Can someone direct me towards some Bleach scanlations please? Google hates me and just threw Hentai at me when I tried to search for it...
I'll be your best friend!! <3 <3 <3
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Can someone direct me towards some Bleach scanlations please? Google hates me and just threw Hentai at me when I tried to search for it...
I'll be your best friend!! <3 <3 <3
AFAIK Toriyama's was the only group doing it and they dropped it this spring when viz announced they had got it - I have the first few volumes on CD but I don't know of any working download sites or torrents- that and I haven't Seen Viz's copy yet - it was supposed to come out in july.
Has anyone seen the Viz version that would care to comment?
Are you sure they were the ONLY people doing it? It seems that a few other groups would have worked on it too or something, or at least another group started when TW stopped...
I want Bleach T_T
Oh, and I saw Volume 1 of Bleach not too long ago, I didn't have the money to buy it though ... ;_;
I searched mangareaders when Toriyama announced they were dropping it, no dice at that time at least - I cussed a blue streak for a few days (its a neato series that was just getting into the meat of the story when they dropped it) now I'm waiting to either order the first few volumes online or for Viz to catch up to where I was at (Volume 5) ...
c'mon people manga-rain is up to vol 14 or so look before you say toriyama are the only ones, manga-rain has continued
Er ... Please don't give out the chan name on gotwoot forums cause last time I did that soul-society dropped it >_<!!!! (could be unrelated but if Viz people go to this forum .... you get the idea -_-)
Use private messaging would be better ...
and *hint *hint
Easiest way to get your dose of bleach would be IRC.
edit: Bleach raw are quite hard to find, Bleach raw site
I would just like you to know that I love you.
Thanks XD
(this thread has served it's purpose, it may rest in peace now)
i would also add YOUR THE MAN
No problemo,you're welcome.
wow! thanks a million!
although with that one ending at the end of chapter 9 is a real cliffhanger
I detest IRC - is there any other way to get the next 5 chapters from manga rain?
sending fat stacks of cash maybe? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
nope learn irc moron, it's so easy i don't understand why people hate it,
i just caugth up with the releases up to 127 damn this manga is the shit seriously this needs to be an anime it's gonna rock so much this is definately one of my favorites right now
There IS an anime coming in October, and no need to be a jerk XD
i'm not being a jerk anyone who isn't willing to learn how to use a program to get free stuff is a moron
hey....where can i find it with irc?
on that's the server channel is #manga-rain
I do know how to use IRC and DCC - I chose not to becuase of all the malware and virus ware on IRC and the @$$holes who push it on others.Quote:
Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
nope learn irc moron, it's so easy i don't understand why people hate it,
i just caugth up with the releases up to 127 damn this manga is the shit seriously this needs to be an anime it's gonna rock so much this is definately one of my favorites right now
(after the 5th time I had to take my box back to gold load to get a G-----m trojan or bot off of it I swore off IRC forever.)
I'm happy for people who are able to get what they want off IRC, but my experience with it has been overwhelmingly negative.
yes i agree with you noonan, i caught a virus in my comp and i still have it untill i reformat my comp which is gonna be awhile because i have to back everything up