Could someone tell me where i can get batch downloads of one peice on bittorrent or am i stuck downloading one at a time? any sites where i can get one piece either way would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
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Could someone tell me where i can get batch downloads of one peice on bittorrent or am i stuck downloading one at a time? any sites where i can get one piece either way would be appreciated, thanks in advance. Even though 4Kids licensed it, Kaizoku is still fansubbing One Piece. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Kaizoku has subbed 104 ep, 2 specials and 3 movies of one piece seems to be down could someone recomend an irc channel where i can get the early episodes. I looked at kaizoku channel and the people there were not very helpfull as i was just ignored so any other irc channel would be greatly appreciated.
who cares if people ignore you and are not helpful... just go to the channel and download from the bots... I know that k-f|makino has all the episodes as far as i know... so get downloading
k-f|robin also has them all
too put it more bluntly
/msg K-F|Makino xdcc send #(which episode u need)
if makino is around do the same if he's not around but put robin's name instead of makino. if u drop by make sure to look out for me Salamander VI. pretty active in that chan. really funni chan. hope that helps