hey y'all
do y'all kno any anime shows in animesuki.com that i can download is similar to Naruto???
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hey y'all
do y'all kno any anime shows in animesuki.com that i can download is similar to Naruto???
hmm similar shows..... i would say that HxH is worth a try and maybe some shaman king to. kenshin maybe? one peice could be a possibility to. altho most ofthsoe arent downloadable on animesuki.... only HxH is i think.
I'd recommend rurouni kenshin and peacemaker kurogane.
^^" Samurai are cool too.
peacemaker kurogane might be a good choice. it's like the "underdog" thing. i saw similarities when i was watching it.Quote:
Originally posted by: .akai
I'd recommend rurouni kenshin and peacemaker kurogane.
hmm yea but pmk ends to early nothing happens in that show.
that is true that pmk did end early...hm..."underdog" show...
ONE PIECE!! "a boy w/ a dream~" kind of show, like naruto.
Try Rurouni Kenshin & One Piece.
didnt like pmk? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] that show is good to pass time with nothing else. i stopped downloading one piece. it wasnt interesting after i had read the manga. download prince of tennis. it is nothing like naruto but it owns.
yeah, pmk is good. there are some parts i don't understand, but overall i think it's a good show.
Hmm... strange that noone mentioned Flame of Recca. Its cool, too
the manga is. the anime sucks. it ends to early and changes to much. its horribly done to the art is crap.
PMK waste of time really you thought something would happen but nothing did happen!
I recomend Full Metal Alchemist who is better than Naruto.
in this order
Shaman King
Full Metal Alchemist
Tenjou Tenje
Sumaria Champloo
fma and tenjou tenge doesn't relate to naruto. don't get me wrong...i like both shows...but they don't seem like they relate to naruto.
FMA relate when you think about their "magic" Alchemy powers arent all that diffrent from justsu.
For example using alchemy to bring back the dead arent all that diffrent from Oros kinjustsu that brings back the dead.