itachi mentions this in 225.
we know only uchiha's can have it , so that rules kakashi out.
so did itachi leave someone else alive , or maybe an uchiha left the village beforehand?
this certainly is a interesting devolopment.
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itachi mentions this in 225.
we know only uchiha's can have it , so that rules kakashi out.
so did itachi leave someone else alive , or maybe an uchiha left the village beforehand?
this certainly is a interesting devolopment.
i was wondering that as well. i'm guessing that 3rd uchiha was gone on a mission or something... or maybe he is even stronger than itachi =O
and i'm glad the forums are finally back.
Well yeah! I figure it like this... someone had to tell Itachi about the mangekyou sharingan. If it's forbidden beyond forbidden, and requires that you kill your best friend, it's not like pa's gonna say, "Aww son, there's this cool trick I gotta teach you, but... you gotta kill Shisui first!"
Gotta love the little hints that suggest something bigger. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
maybe the leader or whatever of akatsuki also is an uchiha... that would be really interesting.
yes this has also plauged my mind...
who is the third person..? i hope we hear more of this...
could be part of the akatsuki...
very interesting
Sasuke's & Itachi's long lost sister? LoL.
Maybe the another member of the Akatsuki. Or some betrayer who fled to another village.
Interesting though.
he said including him it would be 3 people who can use mangekyou, so if sasuke learns it would that make 4 or was he including sasuke as one of the 3.
personally id like to see 2 new uchiha members.
inane version.Quote:
Originally posted by: viciousHyuuga
he said including him it would be 3 people who can use mangekyou, so if sasuke learns it would that make 4 or was he including sasuke as one of the 3.
personally id like to see 2 new uchiha members.
direct quote: including myself, there will be three people who an handle the mangekyou sharingan. in that case... ...hehe. therewould be a reason to let you live.
i believe that means there are only three people; itachi, sasuke, and someone.
yes, i was very excited when i've read that. it makes me wonder if this is the person that tell itachi the secret behind the stones or did itachi discovered it on his own.
Man that gas really been on my mind too. that would explain the way itachi looked down on the other uchihas and saying that they were limiting and holding themselves back(something like that). anyways we definetely need more information. oh and i'm glad the forums are finally back.
But wasen't the entirely clan destroyed execpt Itachi and Sasuke ? The shark guy who's with Itachi when they are gonna capture Naruto on the hotel, he said something like this, "I heard that the Uchiha clan was destroy by you Itachi." Shouldn't he know if there was somone in akutski that is a sharigan user then ? I bet there isn't someone in the akutski who is a sharigan user otherwise they would know it.
Unless Itachi is supposed to have written the Scroll that Sasuke read, then it is possible that someone earlier in the history of the Uchiha found the technique and recorded it as a forbidden technique..
so the 3rd could have been from an earlier generation in Konohana
What gets me is, if Itachi had said that there were three people who were capable of using it, why would Sasuke say that he was the only survivor other than his brother? Afterall, he did tell Sasuke this the same night that he massacred the Uchiha. Maybe it's bad writing or maybe Sasuke just "forgot".
That's for the possibility of there being another Uchiha around; although it'd be nice if there were, I don't think it would fit in with what's already been written in the story too well. But then again, the twist they added onto the Mangekyou Sharingan wasn't going along with what's already happened either.
I am going more with there being someone before Itachi who told him. I don't think it's someone in Akatsuki.
It can't be someone in Akatsuki otherwise the shark guy would have said that in the hotel. I also believe that there was a guy before Itachi who told him how to gain it.
Remember that you cant tell that someone is an Uchicha unless they activate their Sharingan, which means that it is possible that the 3rd remaining Uchicha may be someone we have already seen.
I have a theory, which I dont think is right but it is possible (and if it came true it would probably be quite gay).
Kabuto may be the 3rd Uchicha. He may have been using Oro to get close to Sasuke, and will reveal his Sharingan when Sas-gay goes and finds Oro, after he has whooped Naruto's ass.
Well that thery seems decent but why wount oro just take over kabuto.
its already said that kabuto is from another village and got some kind of bloodline limit which made ppl call him a monster so i dont thnk he is an uchiha. if this uchiha that told itachi about mangekyou lived in leaf where did he go after the uchiha slaughter? did itachi kill him or did he survive? if he did survive where is he now? many questions and no answers :'(
maybe itachi has a son? DUN DUN DUN. j/k
i misssed this place, good to be back.
am i the only one who thinks itachi and sasuke's mother seems kinda....suspicious. i remember in one chapter she was talkin to itachi alone and sasuke was eavesdroppin, i dont keep all the chapters on the comp to look.