naruto 1hr special raw out
pretty good......not quite as dramatic graphic/sound wise as i'd hope.....and then once again more quick flashback shots....but not bad
also.......the previews seem to suggest that....<sigh>.....the filler saga will be starting next week [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
naruto 1hr special raw out
i was kinda looking forward to the next "manga"arc.
btw for anyone that wants to know , naruto 95-96 will be released in 6 hours by A-H
naruto 1hr special raw out
Can't wait, but I wonder how good the translation will be. Oh well I've read the manga so I would get the basic jist anyway.
naruto 1hr special raw out
RE: naruto 1hr special raw out
RE: naruto 1hr special raw out
RE: naruto 1hr special raw out
RE: naruto 1hr special raw out
s' here too,
I was kinda gonna wait till i dl'd it to post it but i figure ur all sleepin neways
RE: naruto 1hr special raw out
Is it the RAW or the subbed ver?
RE: naruto 1hr special raw out
RE: naruto 1hr special raw out