RE: Hajime no Ippo the MANGA
I havent read the manga...
So... if you can... can you summarize some of the things that happened in the manga that the anime skipped up until the last movie? or is it pretty faithful?
Do you recommened picking up the manga where the anime left off? If so, what volume is it? 37?
I really hope more Ippo anime releases come in the future...
RE: Hajime no Ippo the MANGA
well i haven't gotten to reading the whole thing i practically started at where the anime stopped, i recomnd picking it up definately since the future of a continuation is unknown it's a must read the manga continues where the anime left off at chapter 315 it's really starting to get exciting
RE: Hajime no Ippo the MANGA
cool thanks... can you point me to snoopy's and spectrum's irc channel and server... or where do you download it?