Naurto Sound Board/Effects?
Hey I was just wondering if anyone knew of a site that had the sound effects from the anime. For instance Sasuke's Chidori or Naurto's Dopple Ganger attack ( i love that whistling effect).
Btw first time posting out of many... I've been reading for awhile and figure its time to chime in [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Naurto Sound Board/Effects?
I haven't run across any Naruto sound boards, thought that's in interesting idea.
>.> 'dopple ganger attack' sounds ugh...=P stick with kage bunshin...
RE: Naurto Sound Board/Effects?
I don't think there is one, and please, don't use Viz's crappy excuse for a translation...
RE: Naurto Sound Board/Effects?
arg darn the fingers for clicking your answer button! I just woke up and I've got sleep vision lol. Oh well if I ever run across a sound board or effects page I'll relay it here.
RE: Naurto Sound Board/Effects?
The Gamecube game #2 has a section of bonus stuff, which includes several pictures and dozens of quotes/noises from the characters. That would more than likely be your best bet, since the game also has the most characters of all the Naruto games.
RE: Naurto Sound Board/Effects?
seriously dont ever call it art of the doppleganger, its just gay!
RE: Naurto Sound Board/Effects?
OKAY! OKAY! I'm SORRY! lol *whimper* calm down people and thanx kameron
RE: Naurto Sound Board/Effects?
doppleganger...i think this is the first time i came across someone who used that instead of kage bunshin.