Manga: Konjiki no Gash Bell
if you know about this series you are probably aware that the english fanbase is small but the small fanbase that exists isn't capable of discussing anything past episode 33, the manga is already at 18 volumes and i got the scans but i can't read japanese, i want to start a small scanslation team to translate it and distrubute it to whoever wants to read gash manga, this ofcourse is also in my intrest because i wanna know what happens too so if you are able to read japanese and can translate and want to help me out please do say so, if any one is capable of working with photoshop please aply too because i also need someone to edit the scans i don't expect many people to reply but atleast i tried
RE: Konjiki no Gash Bell MANGA
I would be very grateful if you get this project going.. I'm useless so I'm sorry I can't help.