RE: Looking for Fansubbers
what are you trying to sub? what is the name of your group? what is your founding philosophy? what do you already have? why should people with in-demand skills join you?
The answers to these questions might go far in attracting people to your group.
RE: Looking for Fansubbers
Yeah, compliche [hope ya dont mind I don't use your real nick], you have some good points there. I am simply to lazy to be as elaborate as yourself, but some reasons people don't specify info on here are: 1, they may want the group to form before choosing a name. 2 they don't want people to think there's a new group incase it falls through. Another reason would be, say they are doing a series everyone has forgotten about, and don't want it stolen by another group [since im sure there's lurkers of other fansubs here]. Also, not just for the name, but alot of people like the group to be together before choosing anything.