Older Naruto?
Sorry to throw you all back so far, I'm finally getting caught up in the series after losing net for 7 months.
ANYWAY. Episode 80 after the war is finished and the Hokage's funeral....Is it just me or does he look older all of a sudden, that childish innocent look diminished...If so...Great work on the artist/cartoonists part.....I think I'm done. Tell me what ya think.
Older Naruto?
Nope. It's always been the same. Maybe it's because you've been away for 7 months. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
However they've never really said about how long it took after the second exam, whether it's directly, or perhaps there's a month or two skip before the latest most current arc. But I would think it would be right after the exam. I doubt they'll let Konoha village not have a hokage for a long period of time.
Older Naruto?
Not physically, but hes not as stupid for the most part after that. He is much more serious about training and what not, after witnessing deaths, the old hokage dying and what not, he matured. Thats at least what I think.
RE: Older Naruto?
It's just because the animation was dimmer and his forehead protector wasn't on his forehead. Also, he looked glum. All these things make people look older than they are. Though, I believe the series has passed over a year's time, so he's gotta be getting close to puberty.
RE: Older Naruto?
it was a serious moment - Sandaime's funeral. naruto can't be his perky self.
RE: Older Naruto?
I dont think he has gotten older but matured a little and with the serious face in the hokages death episode you cant expect to see people frolicking around a funeral especially the hokages
RE: Older Naruto?
Naruto is stil as he known in the eepisodes before. But from times to times he acts seriously.