How tight is the work of the anime to the manga? Like, the Manga and story are Kishimotos property, is he invovled heavily in making the anime?
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How tight is the work of the anime to the manga? Like, the Manga and story are Kishimotos property, is he invovled heavily in making the anime?
If your asking how closely the anime follows the manga, then I would say it's pretty damn close, in fact their are scenes in the anime straight from the manga.
he asks if kishimoto has something to do with the anime for example hair colors, clothes colors and other stuff. i guess he does some work if they ask him but i dont think he is in direct contact with the anime on a regular basis since he wouldnt have any free time if he was. takes a week to make a chapter and they are published every week which gdoesnt give him much free time...
Well... Kishimoto prolly does give colors. But, when he designs eachs characters clothing weapons, etc, he probably records all the colors somewhere and then just gives the designs to the anime people.
The anime has done well so far.
i wonder if he's involved with covering tsnades BOOBS(in the anime)? cause that would be really cruel
lol thats probably done by the tv company because the anime is being watched by small children, weird that they didnt cover up sailor moons thighs(sp?) tho since thighs are sexy to [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
u horny ppl. is that all u think about, tsunade's boobs? that's like in every thread go to.
aren't some parts of the anime drawn in korea? i don't know if naruto does that, but other animes do.
it seems hard enough for kishimoto to draw 20 or so pages each week already. he probably just looks over the anime and approve/disapprove.
Aight, I was just wondering if maybe kishimoto keeps an eye (at all) on the Anime production as the manga is his interlectual property.
You'll notice quality differences in the animation from episode to episode, some will be well done, while others poorly done. Naruto has several animation teams, one of which I believe is a korean team.Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
u horny ppl. is that all u think about, tsunade's boobs? that's like in every thread go to.
aren't some parts of the anime drawn in korea? i don't know if naruto does that, but other animes do.
it seems hard enough for kishimoto to draw 20 or so pages each week already. he probably just looks over the anime and approve/disapprove.
And as for the manga, I don't think Kishimoto does it all by himself, I believe he works with several assistants, who would handle things like inking and applying toner to the art. But yes, putting together that much art every week is alot of work.
Kishimoto Sensei has four to five assistants. He does all the base drawings from where the assistants ink, add tonner, clean then Kishimoto reviews all the work before it moves to the next step. But they work like slave hours to get it to print like hours before the new issue of Jump is released for that week.
The boobs are there... Just not as much cleavage. You can still see them in some scenes.
Although... iunno how they cannot show hers... yet they have a swimsuit ending with underage girls on a beach, have Jiraiya hiring hookers every chance he gets, and have him staring at Tsunades boobs in the opening.
Lefty, mm. I see.... they do a damn good job for turning out 1 a week. BTW, he's a Sensei now?
Hopeknight - Kinda noticed that... but, they are all still good.
i'd sure hope that kishimoto gets a quick read through the storyboards for each episode.......
it'd be kinda embarrassing to throw in some extra details (which they often like to do) and end up presenting something that contradicts what kishimoto was planning to do.
It's more of an honorific refrence to someone like an Author or Mangaka that someone can make. He's not a teacher, I was just being extreamly polite.Quote:
Originally posted by: Coolman
Lefty, mm. I see.... they do a damn good job for turning out 1 a week. BTW, he's a Sensei now?
he teaches us the lessons of life
I was also wondering if he has people help him with the storyline? I know he has the final saying ,but in most animes usually they have 1 person who dedicates most of their time to drawing manga and the other to maybe help progress the story because it seems quite hard to draw that many pages and also come up with the storyline every week. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]