I've heard about this firefox thing and how you can do a lot of interesting things on it, So I just wanted to know if anyone has it and how good/bad is it?
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I've heard about this firefox thing and how you can do a lot of interesting things on it, So I just wanted to know if anyone has it and how good/bad is it?
its better security than internet explorer and handles pop up ads pretty well, i've been using it for a while and just upgraded it
Well I use I.E now and everything on my comp. is connected to it, if I take it down then I take down my connection, is there any way I can set my comp. up so that it runs on fire fox
theres no way if i'm not mistaken to completely get rid of ie if you use windows but the house computer i let my roomates use i set up firefox as the default browser and hid all ie shortcuts.. its the next best thing and if everything is set up and you don't get to curiuos with downloading unsafe programs you will never have a pop up window.
there are probably others that are more experienced with configuring firefox and i'd also be interested in different features to it has.
i just upgraded to firefox from firebird .8. i love it. i always use the mouse gestures extension so i can simply hold down right mouse button and move my mouse around the screen to have it to things. tabbed browsing = $. saving tab session and restoring it in a browser crash = $.
i am positive that you dont connect to the internet through IE. you connect through something else that probably automatically launches IE and is probably set up to close the internet connection when IE is closed.
been using it for a while now, a LOT better than IE. i havent even opened IE for a couple of months now...
I think that if you install firefox, it'll ask you if you want to transfer your IE settings to itself. I did it and saved a whole bucha things including the google toobar. I don't know if that'll help you with everything you have, but it might.
r u using a dialup? if so then i think you're asking about when you open internet explorer it asking you what to connect to, installing firefox shouldn't mess with that.
where can i dled firefox from or do i have to buy it ?, kinda want to try it out bc I.E is killing me with all of these pop ups and shit
thanks, man this is way better then I.E now pop ups at all YAY!!!
Firefox works best with more high end systems (but still good for old ones)...
It's the best when using a Unix based environment (most Linux distros come with Mozilla, which is what Firefox is based off of)
In windows systems I.E is automatically run (since it's an integrated interface with windows; you'll notice that in Linux GNOME or KDE interfaces use Mozilla)
If you go our there you can find tons of info on configuring/hacking the kernel to best fit your needs...
Firefox in windows runs as a seperate program (not integrated in the OS, but still written into the registry) you can have it set as your default browser, but there might be some cases where links may still boot I.E (especially in like Java evironment sites)... it might be slower booting up than I.E... and you might have a bit of trouble finding appropriate plug-ins for things like Java, Flash and ActiveX (and might not be able to see certain sites) but I'm sure there's stuff out there to remedy that...
I use firefox, because 1) I'm more used to Mozilla based browsers, I configure it the same way I did when I ran Mandrake 2) because I.E blows
How it is? It's the best damn browser ever. Period.
i think its really good, the popup blocker is nice, but ive been to a couple sites saying it only supported ie, and i had to install shockwave and flash, but other than that it works great.
so basically i should just dl firefox and forget about i.e. and dl a couple of other stuff for ff
yep, plus IE has so many security holes its unbelievable.
tell me about it
Everybody loves firefox, I use slimbrowser and I like it.
I got 5 different browsers.... and Easieness i would think Firefox is 2nd easiest to use.. (IE is easiest but has too many holes)
My order of easieness
Msn browser
I really can't tell much difference between all the browsers. But I'm real new to firefox, and I like it for a couple of reason. I've had no pop ups, and pages open faster on firefox than they do on IE. I don't have netscape installed on my computer. The only thing I like about netscape is that it looks cool, or maybe just different.