Where can i find links for bakuretsu tenshi? I have been downloading this from LUNAR and now they have to spoil it by removing it.
Any ideas where else i can download this great anime?
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Where can i find links for bakuretsu tenshi? I have been downloading this from LUNAR and now they have to spoil it by removing it.
Any ideas where else i can download this great anime?
Is Bakuretsu Tenshi liscensed? I can't find the BT links at animesuki.com anymore.
Nowhere to be found... wait for animeone to release 11+ if they do indeed continue it which they probably will even though their partner Onigiri dropped it
http://www.downloadanime.org/index.p...=com_datorrent has ep 13, but no one is seeding.
Its not that no one is seeding Lunar has pulled the torrent
WHY WHY WHY WHY??!!??!!??!!
i really liked it. WHY LUNAR?!?!?!?! i was late to download epi 13. i hope aone/onigiri will quickly sub it.
As I said... Onigiri dropped it... only hope is that animeone continues it on their own
that sux...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
well hate to brake it to u but it got licensed Funimation so no chance at getting it anymore [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
I guess you havent been reading the thread... we all know it is licensed...
nope not really i was actualy half asleep when i was reading and posting ^^;;
Well, Lunar doesn't sub icensed, so no go there [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
AonE hasn't dropped it (they still have an archive bot in the channel), so I'll wait for them to catch up to where Lunar left off.