Originally Posted by:Alhuin
dude....you didnt offend me...sorry if i gave you that impression...i just thought it was a stupid rule...but now that i think about it...and saw what Swallow Your Soul put...i guess it actually helps...sorry for "advertising" my board then...
edit: oh and also...are you saying the thing in my sig is advertisng then?... if so i guess i have to delete that too, huh?.... and stos289...how did you make that image in your sig....thats so awesome...
Ok, I'm glad that we all got that mess cleared up. Now for your sig question. I didn't actually make it myself, I found it on some random forum where some guy was showing a bunch of Naruto sigs that he made and I thought it was a cool one so I picked it out. Sorry about that. However, if you would like to make a sig, DraGunZer0 has created a tutorial on making one using PhotoShop 7 which you can find