Why is no one still using irc... >_>
It's too boring there, Wilik is back, so its more lively, besides Son and Saman need more people to make fun of, get your lazy dirtbag buts to the irc channel... for you that are too lazy...
copy and pase this in your browser, it should work ---> irc://irc.rizon.net:6667/gotwoot
RE: Irc...
hmmm i have never been to the irc channel anyway, is it fun there? might check it out if im bored sometime.
RE: Irc...
They should set some bots up in there. Maybe that'll bring more people.
RE: Irc...
i would but i dont really know what the hell irc is and how to use it
RE: Irc...
i have been on irc about 2 or 3 times to check out a-o's channel. i cant really say that its all that fun. hard to talk when ppl spamm !list all the time....
RE: Irc...
The only thing Bots encourage, is lurkers =P
RE: Irc...
make a channel on efnet and i will come [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]