Check out the music Video I made.. SPOILER if you havent' seen the first 20 episodes..
Beware dialup users this file is 22 megs..
Well give me some feedback!
Music Video Naruto
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Check out the music Video I made.. SPOILER if you havent' seen the first 20 episodes..
Beware dialup users this file is 22 megs..
Well give me some feedback!
Music Video Naruto
What is the background music.
I could be rude and say it sucks, but that won't really help you.
So here is some constructive criticism.
First off, make your AMV using video footage from the RAW files not subbed anime.
This is because it can throw people's attention off the music with the text being displayed
on the bottom.
Also you may need permission of the subbing group to use their subbed video, but
I really don't know about that to be honest. It's just best to use RAWs, the same goes if you want
to create avatars, etc...
Second, I don't know but the video and the song do not click at least not for me.
I cannot really blame you on this, maybe it's the fact I don't care for that song.
Lastly I would say the video quality is slightly poor especially with quick-action scenes.
I would try reading up on some encoding techniques to process this better.
Well I hope that was helpful.
I liked it!
Yet Himura has a point
Use the raws for music vids, subtitles really throw it off
overall well done!
looking forward to some more action in your next one