I THINK that it is the 4th hokage
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I THINK that it is the 4th hokage
I THINK so too. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
How many threads are there of this same old topic. It's been done.
this is the 10000202030044560707070407605737230803580602360450 7th thread about this so shut it and use the search function.
OMG!! The 4th is naruto's dad!?!? i never thought that! i wonder is the kyubi is his mom? wow . . .
and is asuma konohamru's father?
real thought provoking questions . . .
[img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SAAAAHMWuUU6FCxTfgzcFUwCdPasCmfFe06liQtDRCvmSmOsx d55Q!uHU8tlShtMPgE4kZ*fFe7a7n8hBaYSFrtO35mebwuXGq6 UxXLdie4AAAAAAAAAAA/lastweek.jpg?dc=4675477033410696609[/img]
more like last fucking year.
Did someone Order a well Beaten Dead Horse. I have a Truck load of em for you
We all kno who naruto's dad really is!
Its sigktrnmepqwoig.
Who is sigktrnmepqwoig u ask? and y havent he appeared in the anime/manga?
Well sigktrnmepqwoig is a fat man, not a fat ninja. Just a fat man or a fat bum. yea so one day the 4th felt sorry for sigktrnmepqwoig and is like
"hey fat man i see ur having trouble raising ur kid. how about i raise him for you."
then sigktrnmepqwoig says "OK SURE THE KID NEEDS A GOOD PLACE TO STAY"
then 4th says "but i have to seal some big fox thingy in him."
sigktrnmpqwoig is like "Hmmm sure only if u give me some good blunt"
So there you have it! the origin of naruto. He was traded for a blunt
=D lol
what the FUCK how many of these threads are we going to go through before the people here get the point, its starting to get annoying
im gonna take a wild guess and say naruto's father is most likely to be either Duffman, or Dr.Phil. Both are likely canidates.
naruto just fell from the sky, he has no parents
My male intuition tells me to close this thread... wonder why!