Originally posted by: Poiple Weezard
If you wanna go that way then even "lol" could be considered a "real word". It exists as slang in today's day and age. The fact that a word or term exists and is in use doesn't mean that it should be recognized by the language. If its not accepted in formal speech, then its not actually part of the English language.
Um, you are wrong there. Just because a word is not accepted in "formal speech" does not mean that is not part of the English language (or for whatever language it may be, for that matter) and if the word exists and is in use in speech, it should be recognized, because its in use. ain't is a contraction, like others have said, it is a word, and you can't always go by 'if its not in the dictionary it's not a word' because many times there will be words you can't find in the dictionary, especially since languages change over time.