compressed anime
alright well when i dl a lot of files for, say, upgrading microsoft, it dls a setup prog onto my comp aND then once i open the setup prog it dls the program. i was wondering if there are any anime sites liek this were it dls a dl prog, cause usually dling the program thatr installs the file takes a lot less time.
compressed anime
Hmmm.. I don't belive that you can really do that. The only way an anime site could compress a file is by using a program such as WinZip (.zip file) or WinRar (.rar file). Even if a site did that, it wouldn't really decrease the file szie that much. What your talking about is that you would like an .exe (executable) file to download an episode of anime. Executable files are usually used for setups of programs or for running a command that allows you to run many files using only one file( which would be the exe file). So I don't think that can really happen. Hope I could help.