i checked the topics and noone talks about this its about NARUTO 82,
when i have it in a certain folder on my pc when i acesss that folder it gives me an error
and my windows restarts does anyone else have this..?
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i checked the topics and noone talks about this its about NARUTO 82,
when i have it in a certain folder on my pc when i acesss that folder it gives me an error
and my windows restarts does anyone else have this..?
I'm probably going in the wrong direction with this, but whats your OS? (ie: Windows 98, Windows 2000, etc.) Also, would you happen to have the installation CD for it? With Windows 2000 and Windows XP, if you have the installation CD, you should be able to "repair" the operating system. With Windows 98 and Windows ME you can choose to reinstall without formatting, I forgot the exact options, but during reinstall it should ask if you want to save your Program Files and etc. It would probably be better to either get someone who can do it themselves right there, or to look up a topic about it from a tech support board on another site, I don't think I could fully explain the process.
Either way, more than likely its an issue with your OS and not the file itself.
well, i have a similar problem i posted about, and got some help, but still need more...my windows doesnt restart, but it closes all windows explorer related windows...and it doesnt these with full metal alchemist files, and ghost i nthe shell files, but it really cant be the files...something wrong with our systesms, but WHAT!!!? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
or update your XviD
lol, i wish that was the answer. version and codec updates are the first things i tried. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
try different media players?
zoomplayer? bsplayer? media player classic (not windows media player)? what version of what media player are you using, and have you tried other ones? Have you scanned your system for viruses, trojans, and spyware and checked for odd looking installed programs recently? Might this possibly be video drivers and bad implementations of hardware acceleration or a badly implemented or bugged overlay layer implementation? What playback filters are you using exactly, do you know? Are you using ffdshow to play back, or divx, or xvid, or something else? If ffdshow, is it the most recent release?
There's a lot of paths to try.
As for the original poster, it's probably the media player crash bug you're talking about, and it's probably also that windows is trying to get info on the file when you open the directory. You should be able to turn that off (so instead of trying to get info it just shows the files -- I'm not sure where to do that in xp though, offhand).
This _shouldn't_ happen, but ... well .... welcome to the real world. You've both got some digging to do to figure out your problems, but I can tell you that with a simple and current setup this doesn't happen.
My setup is xvid (latest version from koepi's page) plays xvid, divx plays divx5, and ffdshow plays everythign else it can recognize. No other stuff necessary (except when stupid groups encode shit in wmv, but they can all die).
What you could also try is to remove all the codecs and video players you have, schedule a scandisc, restart windows, and after scandisc is finished, just reinstall everything
I had the same problem with a couple of episodes. Explorer would crash whenever I even just opened up the folder. Once, this program called gspot told me there was a codec conflict. I had no idea what that meant, so I just uninstalled all the codecs I had installed, and reinstalled the latest versions I could find. Made everything better. The second time I had the same problem, and did the same thing, but the problem persisted. So, I uninstalled everything, yet again, and then reinstalled codecs from a different site. Once again, everything was made better. I also had a problem with an episode of Naruto that was "jumpy". Once again, reinstalling codecs was the answer. This codec shit is annoying, but it's probably the answer to your question.
will do, thanks for the options. been busy lately, hopefully one of the suggestions works, otherwise i'll just back up the billion gigs on dvd's and format ; ; thanks again. take care