This the happiest day in my life
me jobless and bored so i stay watching local tv every day, until i saw this commercial
Naruto every mon-friday at 8.30 am, do you believe it, they put anime such as naruto at that time
if someone from indonesia reading this send your thank you card to Trans TV,
RE: This the happiest day in my life
RE: This the happiest day in my life
igma was faster than me. but ill say it to get a job or go back to school.
RE: This the happiest day in my life
lol how rude..
Thanks for the news Shiena, guess that means we'll just get our Naruto a bit earlier each week [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: This the happiest day in my life
come on guys you dont know what peoples situations are , weve all been unemployed for some time in our life even if it was that day walking from school to the job interview, unless your still in school in which caseyou dont really have a right to criticize.
RE: This the happiest day in my life
yeah honestly...
get a job... is for parents and close friends to say...
RE: This the happiest day in my life
I don't understand your last quote.. Why thank Trans TV from Indonesia?
RE: This the happiest day in my life
ive been lookin for a job myself....but the simple fact that im only around for 2 more months before i start my last year of college means that alot of businesses are reluctant to hire me.......
so bite me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: This the happiest day in my life
I find the Job market just sucks. you need expince to get into A paticuler Feild of work. So It is impossible to find a decent job without a collage Education. I am not working in a Dish pit agane. Evil evil evil. Btw. some places value speed of getting dishes out instead of makeing sure they are actually Clean. *hates last employer still*
RE: This the happiest day in my life
Originally posted by: jdmaster
come on guys you dont know what peoples situations are , weve all been unemployed for some time in our life even if it was that day walking from school to the job interview, unless your still in school in which caseyou dont really have a right to criticize.
The guy is fucking proud of the fact that he is jobless..come friggin on , go FIND a job, that should put you out of boredom...
RE: This the happiest day in my life
This is what I have learned so far from naruto forums at gw:
Post something unrelated to Naruto ----> scolded/insulted/belittled/slapped/bitchslapped------>locked
which means this thread is... related to naruto?
i think this is one of the more interesting topics that ended up in naruto forum and not been insulted for lack of relation to the anime!
itz pretty funny how no one picked that up...
just shows how much naruto has to do with the job market!
RE: This the happiest day in my life
people just like to talk...what does it matter where the subject goes, eventually someone will say: "ok, back to topic...blah blah blah" and untill then, people can talk about something they usually dont talk about. so whats not to like?
i'm still in school, but i work for an online DJ service...pays allright, but the hours suck =P
ok, back to topic...shiena^, do you know what channel its comming on? (numbers dont help, unless you live near me, so station name would be good =)