Samurai 7
Well Samurai 7 aired today... anyone seen any raws around that might tell us how does it look?
Also I think I heard that they might have aired two episodes today... any truth to that?
here's the site for Samurai 7 in case you are wandering what it is:
please post any info you have on this series
Samurai 7
Hey, this looks pretty cool, anyone know if any fansubs are taking up the challenge of this one?
RE: Samurai 7
gotta love samurai stuff, at first i thought u were talking about 7 Samurai (the ps2 game coming out soon, or is it already out..)
RE: Samurai 7
Does anyone know a gruop who will sub this serie ?
RE: Samurai 7
yeah anime-xtreme.com are gonna sub it .dont know when though
RE: Samurai 7
R_one324: I got there Hellsing release but that was a dvdrip release. Arethey only doing dvdrips or tvrips to ?
RE: Samurai 7
I remember in the general forum a new group wanted to do it with Aone, dunno if Aone said yea to it or not.
RE: Samurai 7
as far as i know, Anime-Xtreme only do DVD rips, but since this anime was licensed long ago (i've read that in some thread that Itachi_ made here few months ago), perhaps they're just declaring that now, and are waiting for the DVD to come out..
anyway, as usual, i'll let it run for a month or so, and once 4 eps are out, i'll get them and burn them... the only way for a space limited person like myself to live...
RE: Samurai 7
Looks pretty cool can't wait to see it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Samurai 7
Damn ADV, now i can't get raw from anime.mirc.x. Is there some god irc channel for raws?
AX does tvrips to.
RE: Samurai 7
#wegetraws in rizon
#l33t-raws in animepad
RE: Samurai 7
Thanks Budweineken
Here's the promo from Keep & ANBU.
RE: Samurai 7
Downloading now!
It's cool that it is a joint project... this usually means better quality and faster releases so it's good
Samurai 7
www.samurai-seven.com for a http download. I'm a bit dissapointed about this. Why the hell would they use "robots" in a samurai serie ? :@
Samurai 7
the sieries samurai 7 is based on a 1960s movie masterpiece called the 7 samurai and in the show there are seven samurai that decide to protect a villiage from bandits but one of the samurai is actually a villiger just protending to be samurai. in the sieries that character is the self proclamed robot "kikuchiyo".
so there is the answer as best as I can give read that in a magazine
RE: Samurai 7
ExTREm-San if you watched the promo they state that the series takes place in the enar future (not the past, so obviously its another anime robot theme). And I'm still wondering if this anime will be like the game 7 Samurai... haven't played the game yet either... maybe I should rent it to see if its the same when the anime gets subbed
RE: Samurai 7
Damn ADV... now it'll be very difficult to know when a version subbed of any anime will be released...
I was waiting for seven samurai for a long time... I think this show gonna be amazing
RE: Samurai 7
www.samurai-seven.com, has the promo there, and it's stated that ANBU&A-Keep will fansub samurai 7 as a joint project [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img], still, why are they in the future fighting robots, wtf, mecha samurai anime, geeze, what's next
RE: Samurai 7
Don't u people realize that anime has always had crazy mixes of genres, for example breakdancin samurai in samurai champloo, gunsliinging nuns in chrno crusade, mind controlled fighting barbie dolls in angelic layer, ass kicking school girl in air master and ikkitousen, jazzy futuristic space cowboys in cowboy bepop, giant medieval robots and dragons in escaflowne, vampire on the good side killing other vampires in hellsing, cross dressing teacher that loves his students in i my me strawberry eggs, alien that becomes a teacher and marries her 18 y/o student onegai teacher just to name a few. So why the hell would you be surprised with a samurai mecha anime. Just think of it as another Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors.)
You never know, this anime might turn out real good with that futuristic feel and old school samurai action (like Shinobi and Stryder with futuristic ninja action.)
Personally I have high hopes for this anime.
RE: Samurai 7
DraGunZer0: Yes i watched the promo and understood that the serie will take place in the future. But still i think that samurai series should take place in some of the era's wars.
Btw, what is a joint project ?