Peace Maker Kurogane
Sorry if this has been posted before but the search function is down...
I wanted to discuss with anyone that is just as clueless about the ending of this ep. and some of the events that happened....
What do you guys think of the ending and what does it mean? Does peace maker's friend (the guy who calls Tetsu/Tatsu Iron/Dragon boy) actually have anything to do with Tetsu? What actually becomes of Tetsu? Why wasn't Tetsu killed in the burning house by Suzu's sensei? What happened to the choshu that Suzu was supposed to find? Was is Suzu's sensei that killed his parents?
There was never a conclusion to the vice chief (nice one) and that hooker. I have a lot more questions but i think these are enough for now
So many questions, all in one topic! Please add your own queries as well
fire away