Its been subbed by Akusei. go get it at animesuki! Havent watched it yet and DLing it now =P
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Its been subbed by Akusei. go get it at animesuki! Havent watched it yet and DLing it now =P
I never herd of em b4..........i hope they subbed it good and it isnt fake =P
the funnymation sub was out yesterday on anime mircx
I guess I'll wait for somebody on here to watch it and tell if its a good sub or not.
In that case you'll most likely have to wait for a Shin Otaku, Bakafish, or (If they manage to get it released) A/A, as i doubt anyone other than those extremely unpatient people, would download a sub that was released so soon after the original airing - after all, time = quality so good subs would be mroe likely released friday-monday periodQuote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
I guess I'll wait for somebody on here to watch it and tell if its a good sub or not.
haha im still waiting for EP 86 From A/a lol hope it will come soon =)
same, still have to see ep.86. U kno it would sure be nice for me to not have to see so many spoilers just by GLANCING at the other thread TOPICS either for ep. 86, but I guess that's what happens. All that pressure makes you antsy for bakasan's or something -_- anyway, guess that means I should just lay off the forums for awhile until 86 comes out.
ill watch whatever is out when i want to watch it, i only save teh anbu subs, and i watch them as they come out, if you dont feel like waiting just watch a diff one, sometimes its god to see teh diff translation, learn more things
and teh funnymation and SO subs are fine quality
so what are the akusei ones like anyone watched yet
Akusei's sub is good
I'm about to watch it now, I hope it's good.
Excellent quality. Better than Bakafish and some of Bakasan's. There was no skipping at all and the grammar was good.
Divx had a problem with it and constantly switched between frames a second or two behind the current one (it did it fast too) which was odd but winamp played it fine.
Hmmm I think animesuki is down right now.
yes, its done DLing.......time to watch! woohoooo!
I just finished watchin 87 from akusei and its really good, the quality is pretty nice. i think its better than bakafish's last episode
The quality and subs are very very good.......almost as good as A/A's sub
Downloading in process. Thanks.
I gave in and watched it, it was pretty good. Ran on WMP without any problems so I have nothing to complain about.