Is the new Jutsu that Naruto is learning more power full then the Chidori? Because it didnt look like it, but im not sure... plz reply if u know the answer... dont speculate....
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Is the new Jutsu that Naruto is learning more power full then the Chidori? Because it didnt look like it, but im not sure... plz reply if u know the answer... dont speculate....
I don't think that can yet be said..
Jiraiya says it is, but u can't really rely on what the characters say cause the laws of anime change from time to time and turn stuff around.
both moves are assassination you cant really say how much more dead a person hit by chidori is opposed to rasengan (although some scenarios seem to beg to differ) I dont think the question should be which is more powerful, but which is more efficient. In which case rasengan is, since it doesnt drain nearly as much chakra, it doesnt require the user to get a good sprint at the enemy, and it doesnt require the use of the sharingan, which also adds to the draining of chakra
for power, however, there IS a scene later in the manga that demonstrates the demolition effects between chidori and rasengan, and rasengan wins [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
i dunno but i think for someone to use the rasengan, the person who is using the technique can't be all running around and shit like how kakashi can with the chidori. something makes me think that way about rasengan.
As long as it kills.. It's powerful enough.. Unless you want it DBZ city destroying style. ;p
i would say the rasengan is stronger since it can be released in diffrent ways, you can for example just blow your enemy away at range if he does something too dangerous or you can blow away gaaras sand with it, also when you hit someone with it you can release it so they get a huge ass hole right through them, its easier to survive a chidori than a rasengan. so yes its more powerful.
In this case I think it's a matter of what you consider "more powerful" to be.
*checks to see we're not in the anime topic*
If it's a matter of sheer destructive power, I think Rasengan wins, because with enough juice you can make a huge ball of chakra, as Naruto demonstrates in the manga. As to which one's a better move to kill someone with... That depends. The Chidori is like a knife; it's highly concentrated, the user runs in at a fast speed, and with the Sharingan, they can theoretically adjust their positioning to counter any evasions the opponent tries. The Rasengan seems to be slower to build up and can be dodged unless the user is fast enough to counter or the chakra ball is just too freakin' big; note that Naruto immobilizes Kabuto first before whacking him with a super-size Rasengan ball. It's certainly more versatile, though; you likely could keep a small ball going in your hands and use taijutsu to connect rather than trying to directly blast someone, and as Jiraiya shows, you can modify the power so that it's not lethal if necessary.
Originally posted by: Mongoose
In this case I think it's a matter of what you consider "more powerful" to be.
*checks to see we're not in the anime topic*
If it's a matter of sheer destructive power, I think Rasengan wins, because with enough juice you can make a huge ball of chakra, as Naruto demonstrates in the manga. As to which one's a better move to kill someone with... That depends. The Chidori is like a knife; it's highly concentrated, the user runs in at a fast speed, and with the Sharingan, they can theoretically adjust their positioning to counter any evasions the opponent tries. The Rasengan seems to be slower to build up and can be dodged unless the user is fast enough to counter or the chakra ball is just too freakin' big.
I actually like that lets see if I can explain it in a different way. With the Chidori like Mongoose said its a knife or sword, so if you get hit by it in a important area(kidney, stomach) your screwed, but if you dodge it your ok. now with the Rasengan I'm going to relate it to a missile(the kind you put in a bazooka) Its big and packs alot of power and can kill you instantly if it hits you. Now if you dodge it that doesnt mean you cant get hurt by it, you can still be hurt by the force of the blast, which can screw you up in the long run. So all in all the Rasengan is much more dangerous than the Chidori, while the Chidori is extremely leathel if it hits its mark. So all in all if I had to pick one out of the two I would pick the Rasengan over the Chidori
but chidori isnt just the chakra around your hand, its the straight thrust and the use of sharingan with it
just as you wouldnt perform gentle fist without byakugan, you wouldnt perform chidori without sharingan
and if you can see your enemy's movement with sharingan, then you shouldnt have any trouble aiming for critical areas
although that just got me thinking......interesting how its designed for avoiding counters, yet kakashi didnt see haku getting in the way at the last second....maybe the mist was in the way, there was still mist at the time, right?
That's because Sharingan doesn't predict the future. Kakashi was focused on Zabuza, not Haku. He can't predict movements, he just anticipates and copies them extremely well. Even if he could predict that Haku would shield Zabuza, there was no way to counter that because he was already thrusting forward when Haku decided to save Zabuza. Hope this clears it up.
To support this answer a bitQuote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
That's because Sharingan doesn't predict the future. Kakashi was focused on Zabuza, not Haku. He can't predict movements, he just anticipates and copies them extremely well. Even if he could predict that Haku would shield Zabuza, there was no way to counter that because he was already thrusting forward when Haku decided to save Zabuza. Hope this clears it up.
Haku was extremely fast, because of that speed he could easily jump in to save Zabuza at the last moment
its a bit of both. the sharingan predicts movement only within its range of vision. without focusing on haku, he could not predict that haku would attempt to protect zabuza. add in the fact that haku is extremely fast, and so took the blow for zabuza
So it(for kakashi) would be like seeing something in the corner of you eye but not really paying attention to it or noticing it(since Haku is fast) right?
Chidori is supposedly faster than Rasengen. But if you ask me, both jutsus are quite slow, and any decent ninja can dodge it if you try to attack them head on. Actually I don't think Chidori is a very good assassination technique, you can hear the sound of the jutsu a mile away.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deacon
Is the new Jutsu that Naruto is learning more power full then the Chidori? Because it didnt look like it, but im not sure... plz reply if u know the answer... dont speculate....
Its just a very powerfuly killing move, and is effective if you can immobilize your enemy temporarily. The same goes with Rasengen, but Rasengen is a harder jutsu to master, that and it deals at least double the damage.
rasengan deals far more than double the damage you can destory a guys chest completly with the rasengan but the chidori can only hurt an area as big as your hand. of course it doesnt matter if both are aimed at the heart but its easier to dodge the chidori even if they use sharingan with it.
Also, both times the Chidori was used (effectively), the targets were stationary (Zabuza & Gaara)....not really a good way to show off it's vaunted high speed......
thats.....when you're SUPPOSED to use chidori
sasuke pulling it out at the start against itachi was a bad move
yea but kakashi was bragging about the jutsu and how it is an assasination jutsu and so on. you would think that there was some truth in what he said. a kunai is better for assasination.
I think rasengan has more good benefit than chidori. Rasengan can be use in your everyday fighting, you can control how much damage you want to give. Using rasengan you can conserve more chakra than chidori. You need to use the same amount of chakra, which is draining.
problem is, using rasengan too much burns your hands, unlike chidori (cos it uses way too much chakra anyway). still, with kyuubi, naruto heals it all back in one night [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]