direct downloads?
well, i'm looking for some direct download sites since i'm having difficulties with MIRC lacently and i don't use bittorrents...
Can someone help me out please?
I already have endless anime, anihaven, narutochaos and kragamuffin
direct downloads?
direct downloads, http wise, are somewhat of a sticky thing.
Say i put up naruto 34343 on a http. 500 or so people download it, a 175 mb file, at prob 220 or so kb/s, thats a lot of banwidth.
Basically, its hard to find http sites, due to the massive banwidth costs. All someone needs to do is post the link on a forum, or a BBS going , "OMFG IT R LEET"
direct downloads?
http://www.xenogenesis.com/browse/en...animemanga/dd/ There's a few right there. Doesn't cost that much outside of the US. We're paying 100 bucks for 1 terabyte a month which ain't that bad.
direct downloads?
go to www.endless-anime.com for Fullmetal Alchemist, Dragonball, Naruto, Trigun, Hellsing, Inyuasha, Chrno Crusade, .dot//hack dusk and sign, Prince of Tennis, Samurai Champloo, and Rurouni Kenshin!!
direct downloads?
hi, doing some self advertisement here. direct anime downloads @ http://anime.hafio.com . it is still very small and there will be alot of animes coming soon.