What the hell happened there?!
Ok... I think I let my curiousity extend to its limits... I saw it happen and I thought to myself maybe they will explain it the next episode... now after being reminded about it, about 20 eps have gone by, no explanation in site. So I am going to post it here and hopefully get an answer. But please, if you have read the manga and it has been explained later on (I mean past where the anime is) then just say "MANGA". If it has been explained in the manga immediately after the occurence of the event and the anime for some reason did not explain it, just say "NOT IN ANIME". And if it is so obvious what happened that i am just so imperceptive and stupid to figure it out just say "BAKA" and ofcourse tell me what the hell happened.
So you are now thinking "What the hell is this guy talking about?" Well its this. Think back. Back to when the underdog Naruto was battling the genius Neji of the Hyuga clan. Near the end of the battle, there was a powerful clash between naruto's powered up punch (well, kunai in hand) and Neji's whirlwind chakra release thingie, kunai in hand as well. This led to a powerful explosion and large cloud of dust had risen into the air. Immediately after that, you see to figures (probably shinobis) jump into the dust cloud. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?
What the hell happened there?!
That was them playing the frames in the wrong order. It was meant to be Neji and Naruto's bodies flying out of the cloud.
What the hell happened there?!
never thought of that... nice answer... stupid mistake... damn, i thought there was more to it... oh well
What the hell happened there?!
it looked fine to me just neji and naruto jumping like shooting stars
What the hell happened there?!
are you sure it wasnt just naruto and neji falling back INTO the smoke after being blasted upwards?
is it even possible to "accidentally" play the frames backwards?
What the hell happened there?!
look at the angle of which the enter... they are coming from the sides... how could the possibly come from that position (even after being blasted upwards). However if, as mentioned before, it was played backwards... the the angles would make sense because they are both coming from the center of the smoke and going outwards in an acceptable angle
RE: What the hell happened there?!
At that time, I figured, since it was somewhat a severe explosion, Anbu-members went to check wether they werent both dead. After the cloud cleared, they were gone, which didn't surprise me, since Anbu could be quite fast and could have left the cloud on the other side..
What the hell happened there?!
Bouncing off the outside wall? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
What the hell happened there?!
actually i just forgot that episode so that's all in my mind about that
What the hell happened there?!
I don't know if they made a mistake, but I think failure is right. They just wanted to show that the clash was tremendously powerful, and also make them slam really hard into the ground to set up Naruto's last move. Sure they could have animated it better, but I never even gave it a second thought until I saw this thread.
What the hell happened there?!
lol nice answers nice answers... you think anbu would care tho? I think they had a lot in mind that day, Orochimaru in the village, suspecting sand village and what not... i like bounce off the wall... haha, but backwards play seems to make most sense till now. I'd hate to believe it tho, stupid mistake, tsk tsk. I am surprised people are answering so fast. Cool.
RE: What the hell happened there?!
Anbu wasnt "really"aware of the Sand invading their lands..alot of Anbu were supposed to still be present [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: What the hell happened there?!
true true... they werent really aware but they were prepared, they had a meeting where Sandaime, his two advisors and a lot of jounins attended where Sandaime expressed warning. He told them that worst case scenario, they will fight a war and that he had complete faith in their abilities. Also you are right, there were anbu members around. If i remember well, kakashi counted six. So ya, it is a possibility... keep em coming. I am off to sleep tho. Ja ne!
What the hell happened there?!
Originally posted by: Dark_Desert_Paladin
look at the angle of which the enter... they are coming from the sides... how could the possibly come from that position (even after being blasted upwards). However if, as mentioned before, it was played backwards... the the angles would make sense because they are both coming from the center of the smoke and going outwards in an acceptable angle
even though they way they did it seems confusing, it can still be perfectly plausible for the intention to be them falling back into the smoke
you only see one shot of a figure flying in at a time, so you dont really have any idea of where the "center" actually is. Also, the angle of entering the smoke should mathematically be close to the angle of leaving the smoke. The order of showing the figures enter the smoke may add to the deception, but maybe they decided to rely on which character they preferred to hit the ground first, rather than which makes more sense to play first
RE: What the hell happened there?!
There were 8 of em, well... 7 and Kabuto dressed as an ANBU [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
About this "backward frames", i noticed it too, but didnt give it any more attention after that cause it had to be just a little mistake made by the creators.
Saying it was "backward frames" sounds more logical, but its still a weird thing to see [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: What the hell happened there?!
I just watched it (Episode 62, 15 mins, 41 seconds) and they show trails(like you draw on behind bullets to give the image of movement forward) but these trails show them moving inwards(fast too) not outwards so backwards frames doesn't make sense, I'm really confused by this one. Quick question for our resident Manga readers, was this shown in the Managa?
RE: What the hell happened there?!
nope not in the manga, in the manga naruto hits him with his fist instead of a kunai just another thing that's cooler then the anime imo
RE: What the hell happened there?!
DarthEnder said it, most likely they bounced off the wall, back into the middle.
What the hell happened there?!
hey it actually was in the manga
i thought at first it's just as confusing as the anime
then i remember reading this bit before and thinking it was confusing
but then i figured it out...
Ok this is what happened:
-There was the explosion (shown)
-Naruto and Neji flew out of the explosion cloud (not shown)
-they hit the ground and made their own hole and made a dust cloud while doing so!!!
Note that the cloud that looks like they're going into is actually on a smaller scale than the big explosion cloud.
I lent the anime to someone else so i can't check if this fits in with the anime as well. Can someone check whether in the anime you actually see them go into the cloud of smoke or if it's just their trails that go into the smoke.
What the hell happened there?!
hmm... then kawarimi, what were the small scale dust clouds they were falling into originated from?
They would have to hit the ground and THEN the dust would occur... unless I am not understanding you correctly.
As for the trails, yes you are right. The trails do indicate that the shadows were moving inwards. Also you would see the dust cloud dent inwards after the shadows entered it. It wouldnt make sense if it were reversed since the dust cloud would dent outwards if the bodies are being ejected from it.
So now its even weirder. AssertnFailure may be right, and it just might be a weirdly made return of the bodies after being blasted into the air, weird in that bodies seem to be coming from the left and right (relative to us viewers) as oppose to an angle with more vertical. If the screen was rotated 90 it would make a lot more sense. Bouce of the wall? hahaha
When I posted this, i thought it was a dead topic. I thought someone probably brought this up a long time ago and it was answered back then. Guess not.. hehe