I am currentlly using ABC Torrent
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I am currentlly using ABC Torrent
Well first, I think this should be moved to the BT Support. Second, Im using the Shadowz client. Ive had no problems with it, it kicks ass.
seriously, i dont think it fits anywhere [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] just a random question, really no "support" or anything. but i use azureus, if you really wanted to know bad enough to start a thread...
I'm running ABC torrent with ProtoWall in the background to keep away the scary people. The scary ones tend to show up in ProtoWall scanning port 6881. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
Scary people??
Oh yeah, welcome to Gotwoot forums Whitebear
Thanks, Stoopider! Long time listener, first time caller. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Here are a few of the scary people I've found trying to scan my bittorrent ports.
Audible Magic copyright breach tracking org
Government Of The Province Of Ontario
Sony NetTw Limited
The Canadians scare me the most!
proto wall any chance u know where to get that cause i set my upload # up to the max so i can help ppl d/l faster. abc is good it starts one torrent then starts on the next i can d/l the whole naruto series on one comp for 2 months excluding the connection lossQuote:
Originally posted by: white6ear
I'm running ABC torrent with ProtoWall in the background to keep away the scary people. The scary ones tend to show up in ProtoWall scanning port 6881. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
also i want to know wat port u usin and wat is the max speed u got from it
ProtoWall doesn't increase speed download/upload speed, it uses a master block list to prevent ad trackers and companies associated with groups like the RIAA from connecting to your computer. The list I posted before was a few of the companies I logged trying to connect to my computer on port 6881, while I was running my torrent program. I'll post the link below so that you can read up on it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
ProtoWall link
im useing bittorrent 3.4
btw Dragon whos is taht on your ava?