DLink DSL-504
Ive been trying to open my ports recently becuase my BT downloads are going incredibly slow - Normally I dont mind waiting 10 or so hours for an episode of Naruto to finish on a 512k connection, but im approaching 48 hours right now, with an estimated 9 hours left (according to the estimator) for the lastest Jump Festa 2004 released by TW. Im usually quite patient, but taking just under 60 hrs (assuming it DOES finish in the next 9 hours) for 300Mb is really rediculous considering I have a 512k connection.
I seem to be uploading just fine - it varies between 2-6kB, but my download is staying a miserable 0kb - 2kb. Weird since I know its capable of dl up to 18kb/s (well actually up to 49kb/s if there are enough seeds like the case is with the manga chapters) or so (for short periods of time) and I havnt exactly changed any settings.
Anyway, ive decided to open up my ports in an attempt to speed things up (hopefully).
Note: My computer and my brother's computer are both linked to the same router, so were sort of part of a network.
Inside Configuration -> Port Redirection
The main variables I need advice on: Did I set it correct?
Protocol: TCP
Start Port:4665
End Port: 4665
Local IP: type in ipconfig and use the ip there?
I assume that for Start and End port, I just repeat for 4661, 4662,4663 etc etc ..... 4669?
Additionally, there is already one port redirection with
Start Port:4661
End Port:4662
Seeing as I have no idea how exactly start and end ports work, some advice would be greatly appreciated.
DLink DSL-504
I don't know what ports your forwarding but this is what you should do. For your specific router (DLink DSL-504), I have found a step by step guide to port forwarding. You can find it here. For Bittorrent, the ports you are supposed to forward are from 6881 to 6999. So where it says "Start Port" you put 6881, and whre it says "End Port" you put 6999. Then you put the ip address of your router ( to find it use the "ipconfig" method you stated before) and you should be all set. Hope I could help.
DLink DSL-504
I found that exact page!
Anyway, thanks for your help. I think I have it more or less set up properly.
DLink DSL-504
stos289 your so jobless [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
but a good helper [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
DLink DSL-504
Hey give me a break, I'm only 15 years old. It's not like I can get a job anyway [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]. Well, thanks for the compliment, and if anybody else needs any help, just ask.