foreshadowing in the special?
So yeh i watched that 2004 naruto special thing with the hidden falls village and all that crap, but theirs another thread discussing that in the regular naruto forum, but one thing i noticed is a bit of foreshadowing. When Naruto fights Suien or whatever he calls him weak and pathetic because he left his village to try to find a faster easier way to obtain power, and well thats exactly what sasuke is doing now, so naruto may end up pretty pissed at sasuke for trying to take shortcuts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] just wanted to point out the foreshadowing. Its at like 34:30ish that he says all this stuff [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
I havent watched it yeat but now that I know that there might be foreshadowing to the Manga in it ill give it a watch, thanks for the info
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
Sasuke also says something to Suien too about how anyone can get power from drinking the hero water... but if you think about it, if there's a 1 in 10 chance you survive the curse then basically 10% of people could get power from the curse; hence no effort. Sounds as if Sasuke is being a little hypocritical if you ask me
foreshadowing in the special?
Who's Suein? How come I've never heard of it, can we download the Special?? Is it new?
I'll go find and download it right away
foreshadowing in the special?
ok this special was too much like dbz i mean drinking some water and powering up and fly and shit plus its nowhere in the anime either manga but yeah there was some funny parts not the dog crap ones. after all it was korean studio's gift
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
the special sucked bbut i guess naruto will get pissed on sasuke for leaving the village to obtain power. and sasuke is very hypocritcal in the special since he havent worked for any of the power he got. besides the chidori that he learned of course...
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
the special sucked bbut i guess naruto will get pissed on sasuke for leaving the village to obtain power. and sasuke is very hypocritcal in the special since he havent worked for any of the power he got. besides the chidori that he learned of course...
that is a stupid ass statement. how else would top rookie of his class get to that spot without working? all those high level fire moves, everything involving the sharingan, and i guess he didn't train his ass off for that month to obtain that rock lee-esque speed either.
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
Originally posted by: CyberPunk
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
the special sucked bbut i guess naruto will get pissed on sasuke for leaving the village to obtain power. and sasuke is very hypocritcal in the special since he havent worked for any of the power he got. besides the chidori that he learned of course...
that is a stupid ass statement. how else would top rookie of his class get to that spot without working? all those high level fire moves, everything involving the sharingan, and i guess he didn't train his ass off for that month to obtain that rock lee-esque speed either.
dude think again, sasuke may have started out training a bit and learning a bit through hard work( not even fucking close to the hard work that naruto, rock lee, or even lowely hinata put out) but as of late sasuke just mopes about and does jack shit, he lounges, and goes for the easy route to power. Also since he is an uchiha and a genius he has to work a lot less to get the desired result. so stfu before u start calling people stupid asses, k. And if you are still so staunch, if sasuke works so hard why has naruto caught up in power so quickly? its called lathargy vs hard work!
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
I would think Sasuke is a genius, or at the very least talented. To be able to see the whole picture with the sharingan is one thing, to copy is another.
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
Originally posted by: AlbinoFury
Originally posted by: CyberPunk
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
the special sucked bbut i guess naruto will get pissed on sasuke for leaving the village to obtain power. and sasuke is very hypocritcal in the special since he havent worked for any of the power he got. besides the chidori that he learned of course...
that is a stupid ass statement. how else would top rookie of his class get to that spot without working? all those high level fire moves, everything involving the sharingan, and i guess he didn't train his ass off for that month to obtain that rock lee-esque speed either.
dude think again, sasuke may have started out training a bit and learning a bit through hard work( not even fucking close to the hard work that naruto, rock lee, or even lowely hinata put out) but as of late sasuke just mopes about and does jack shit, he lounges, and goes for the easy route to power. Also since he is an uchiha and a genius he has to work a lot less to get the desired result. so stfu before u start calling people stupid asses, k. And if you are still so staunch, if sasuke works so hard why has naruto caught up in power so quickly? its called lathargy vs hard work!
how do you know this? does the show ever show sasuke's training regimen? no. the only training it has showed so far is him in the forest practicing the chidori, which is a complex move that works your entire body(chakra concentration, the speed needed to deliver it along with the sharingan). during the exam he was only able to fire out 2 of those fuckers without having to rely on the seal, but the day itachi shows up, he was training(doing the chidori at least twice), he ran about 10 km to the next town and did another chidori to itachi. i guess his energy capacity magically grew, right? also, i wasn't calling anyone a stupid ass, i was just pointing out that the comment above was ignorant; so you "stfu".
naruto has a fucking demon in him. i don't understand how you can compare his raw power to anyone. sure, he works hard, but what pulls him through most battles? his fox demon.
foreshadowing in the special?
Originally posted by: CyberPunk
Originally posted by: AlbinoFury
Originally posted by: CyberPunk
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
the special sucked bbut i guess naruto will get pissed on sasuke for leaving the village to obtain power. and sasuke is very hypocritcal in the special since he havent worked for any of the power he got. besides the chidori that he learned of course...
that is a stupid ass statement. how else would top rookie of his class get to that spot without working? all those high level fire moves, everything involving the sharingan, and i guess he didn't train his ass off for that month to obtain that rock lee-esque speed either.
dude think again, sasuke may have started out training a bit and learning a bit through hard work( not even fucking close to the hard work that naruto, rock lee, or even lowely hinata put out) but as of late sasuke just mopes about and does jack shit, he lounges, and goes for the easy route to power. Also since he is an uchiha and a genius he has to work a lot less to get the desired result. so stfu before u start calling people stupid asses, k. And if you are still so staunch, if sasuke works so hard why has naruto caught up in power so quickly? its called lathargy vs hard work!
how do you know this? does the show ever show sasuke's training regimen? no. the only training it has showed so far is him in the forest practicing the chidori, which is a complex move that works your entire body(chakra concentration, the speed needed to deliver it along with the sharingan). during the exam he was only able to fire out 2 of those fuckers without having to rely on the seal, but the day itachi shows up, he was training(doing the chidori at least twice), he ran about 10 km to the next town and did another chidori to itachi. i guess his energy capacity magically grew, right? also, i wasn't calling anyone a stupid ass, i was just pointing out that the comment above was ignorant; so you "stfu".
naruto has a fucking demon in him. i don't understand how you can compare his raw power to anyone. sure, he works hard, but what pulls him through most battles? his fox demon.
g heres proof, after the naruto fight didnt he spend like 3 chapters kinda just chillin under a tree, yep he sure did. He does train all ninjas do, and at first im sure he was vigilant but after itachi schooled him he became like a menopausal woman just chillin about and not doing much because he got so visciously owned, so once again i repel the "stfu" back to u [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
plus the original contention u called stupid ass claimed that sasuke doesnt work as hard for the things he has to achieve as others would have to. This still holds true, he is a genius and has to work a lot less. The speed it took Rock Lee years to build up was stolen by sasuke in a mere month, lame. I guarantee it took him similar infitisimal amounts of time to learn the katon moves etc. Lets use the glory of analogy;
Sasuke is like a rich little douchebag who his parents buy a brand new bmw, they tell him he has to work at the company factory at like 200 dollars and hour to pay for it. While everyone else are those poor wage slaves earning minimum wage, thus it would take them tons more work to equal the same results, and from what sasuke has shown thusfar, he must be lazy if he doesnt have 50x better moves than everyone else [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
foreshadowing in the special?
there really is no point in arguing since you're obviously biased in your views. the whole point of my argument is that "and sasuke is very hypocritcal in the special since he havent worked for any of the power he got. besides the chidori that he learned of course..." is completely fucking false and ridiculous to believe.
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
It's true that Sasuke has probably done lots of training that we haven't seen. Look at all the anime training filler they've added for him. We don't watch him 24/7. And yeah, we saw him under the tree, but I'm sure he did move from there at points, unless he lived there. *Ahem*
It's true that he has natural ability because of his limit and natural genius. But I'm sure this doesn't stop him from further training. His thirst for vengence drives him on. I'm sure his defeat at the hands of Itachi only strengthened his training need.
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
Sasuke has weak fire jutsus. If his is high, then Itachi's must be a GOD of all firejutsus..
but i believe sasuke did train.
foreshadowing in the special?
if you want to see godly fire jutsus, i must say the third's fire jutsus combine with his 'mud' attack was just sweetness.
foreshadowing in the special?
I'm still curious why the mud burned. Wouldn't it turn to clay pots?
Clay pot No Jutsu!!! *Hokage spits out mud and fire at the end of the fire, many clay pots spew forth*
Sasuke is a genius, I definitely thinks he trains.. maybe not has hard as Rock Lee. But geniuses are supposed to get from A to C without going through B.
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
Originally posted by: CyberPunk
naruto has a fucking demon in him. i don't understand how you can compare his raw power to anyone. sure, he works hard, but what pulls him through most battles? his fox demon.
Its jsut like lets say for example, A bloodline limit? Someone totally exhausts themseleves and there opponent but has enough chakra to pull a 64 divinity strikes (whater Nejis tranlated move was)? Same thing, or pulling off the Mange Sharingan? Same thing. And Dont sayit jsut pops up to save Naruto's ass. He now can succesfully harnass it, and control it more.
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
the degree of power, strength, speed, agility, etc. that you receive from the kyubi is FAR greater than what sharingan or byukagan can do for a ninja. it's pretty much unfair to compare what naruto has to let's say what itachi has. itachi's sharingan is really a huge plus in fights but kyubi whoops too much ass.
btw, i'm not saying that naruto is stronger than itachi, itachi would still kill naruto in a flash. just in case you needed to know.
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
the degree of power, strength, speed, agility, etc. that you receive from the kyubi is FAR greater than what sharingan or byukagan can do for a ninja. it's pretty much unfair to compare what naruto has to let's say what itachi has. itachi's sharingan is really a huge plus in fights but kyubi whoops too much ass.
btw, i'm not saying that naruto is stronger than itachi, itachi would still kill naruto in a flash. just in case you needed to know.
Its not that much greater, its jsut extra Chakra really. Its kind of like that extra adrenaline you get after running for a very long time where you stop feeling the pain and kinda sprint a bit. Its not unfair at all, at least i dont think so. Its jsut like the mange sharingan, since only a sharingan can defend against it, and since no one but 3 people have Sahringan using it makes it unfair. To sum up right now I'm not making much snese and am gonna go sit down and drink some cofee to try and wake up (bad habbit) cya later... whoa
RE: foreshadowing in the special?
it's completely unfair, the amount of chakra naruto can get is almost unlimited. not only that he heals way faster than anyone else. yeah, it's unfair.