ok, a while ago i saw this same poll. it was between gaara, naruto and sasuke. i believe gaara was agreed upon by many with naruto coming in at a close second. i just wanted to know what people think now after episode 84 has been released.
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ok, a while ago i saw this same poll. it was between gaara, naruto and sasuke. i believe gaara was agreed upon by many with naruto coming in at a close second. i just wanted to know what people think now after episode 84 has been released.
Gaara > Sasuke > Naruto.
I still don't believe Naruto's past was that much more traumatic than any given real IRL person who is alone from time to time. That's not to say it's a good thing, but it's not special enough to be called a mega-rough past IMO.
Well you could make the argument that Sasuke's Main Truama was over and done with faster. But naruto was shunned till a cuple eps into the anime.
what?! he had no parents and no friends for atleast 10 years, how can you say that isn't horrible. Plus on top of that every grown-up gave him scornful looks all the time.Quote:
I still don't believe Naruto's past was that much more traumatic than any given real IRL person who is alone from time to time. That's not to say it's a good thing, but it's not special enough to be called a mega-rough past IMO.
Sasuke and gaara atleast had family.
i don't care about sasuke or naruto, but gaara wins this one.
I would say Gaara, followed closely by Sasuke.
Sasuke. Having your whole family killed in front of you is way worse then being hated..
No Haku?
Out of those three i would have to say...
But IMO Haku had the roughest past.
after seeing 84 and really thinking about it i would say
HAH! I knew IT! I called this one long ago... but what ever...
About Naruto... what happened is very bad but he has NOTHING to compare it to. So, its like never having grandparents, to water it down VERY heavily...
Gaara... sure, its pretty fucked up and all, but at least he had people.... there was the memory of that one chick that saved him. He had MEMORIES. a helluva lot more than naruto had... which makes it harder. He learned to cope tho
Sasuke. I'm just gonna quote myself on this one....
Naruto and Gaara never really had anyone, so its hard to compare. Which (believe me) totally sucks. But Sasuke had a family, a brother, a community... As I said, probably an entire village. Uchiha literally means Village of the Leaf. (Konoha means Of The Leaf) and he WITNESSED these peoples death...
A decent analogy would be being dropped on a bed of glass... all three were dropped on the same bed of glass, naruto was dropped, left there, then helped out. Gaara was dropped helped out a bit, then dropped back. Sasuke was about 3 stories up, then dropped on it, and rubbed into it everytime he gets in a fight that he might lose.
who do you think has it worst?
1. Gaara
2. Sasuke
3. Naruto
Naruto gets way too much emphasis on his past, and it becomes lame and overdramatic. He's just a loser that wants to be acknowledged. Sasuke and Gaara actually faced death along with being alone, I'd choose one of them.
All 3 of them were alone.....but gaara was the only one who had absolutely nobody who loved him. People pretty much left naruto alone, and sasuke at least felt bonded with his family (and im sure the rest of the village after the incident)....but i dont know what could be worse than being told that nobody wants you to exist, even your parents!
edit: and to add to konoha rek's quote.....if sasuke is rubbed into it everytime he gets in a fight that he might lose, then gaara gets rubbed into it everytime he sees somebody care for somebody else (which im sure happens a LOT more frequently)
Sasuke had his clan/family, and Gaara only had that one woman. Both of them lost everything they had in an unpleasant way. Naruto never had anything to lose, he just didn't learn how to deal with being alone.
1. Naruto didnt have anybody till he met Iruka and plus every adult hated cause of kyubi and as the third said in the beggining of the show the hatred agianst Naruto is bieng passed to the kids.
2.Gaara is almost as Naruto but atleast he thought the his mother sister loved until he killed her.
3. Sasuke had a family and a community before he lost them.
I think Naruto has the worst past its just that they havent made any good flashbacks about his past like they did with Gaara and Sasuke.
Do you mean his mother's BROTHER?Quote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
2.Gaara is almost as Naruto but atleast he thought the his mother sister loved until he killed her.
Id say:
Gaara had the worst past. Hes just as lonely as Naruto and also the children know about him, whereas they dont know about Naruto in Konoha. Then its Naruto, then its Sasuke.
Gaara's definitely the worst. At least Sasuke, people admire him or at least respect. In a way, maybe some pity him.
The people of the village continually fear and hate Gaara.
sasuke had the worst past. than probably gaara or neji. than naruto.