RE: Kenshin and Inu Yasha They have a hell of alot of anime there. You can also try
RE: Kenshin and Inu Yasha
Both Rurouni Kenshin and Inuyasha were both licensed in the U.S. (thats why they are on tv). However you can still find epsodes in big torrent sites such as suprnova. Just go to the anime section there and you'll be able to find them. I believe they have both the subbed and dubbed anime there. Hope I could help.
RE: Kenshin and Inu Yasha
#baka-anime on rizon has kenshin tv
RE: Kenshin and Inu Yasha
how about raw kenshin manga? anyone knows where i can find those??? sooo desperate.......
RE: Kenshin and Inu Yasha
Well, thats a tough one. I looked around and I really couldn't find a place to find the raw japenese manga of Rurouni Kenshin to download. However, I found three places where you can buy the raw manga. The first one is GT Manga. This has all of the volumes in either japanese or chinese for $7.80 each volume. The next place is Kikiwai. This place has only the japanese version for $8.00 each volume (However, a couple of them are out of stock). The final place is Anime Nation. This place has most of the volumes of the manga, each volume being $9.95 each. As you can see, I have put them from the cheapest price, to the most expensive price. If I were to choose, I would pick GT Manga because it looks reliable and it has all of them in japanese and chinese, plus its the cheapest. Anyway, hope I could help.