Samurai Champloo starts today in Japan. Anyone know if someone is subbing it? I don't know about you, but breakdance samurai fighting looks kinda cool to me[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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Samurai Champloo starts today in Japan. Anyone know if someone is subbing it? I don't know about you, but breakdance samurai fighting looks kinda cool to me[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
yupi cant wait. Its licensed so im not sure whos going to sub it. But i hope someone good.
Who licensed it?
*Prays that it's ADV, who actually makes their deadlines and releases in a timely fashion*
*Prays that it's not ADV so some good fansub group picks it up*
Geneon licesenced it awhile ago. Ive heard since August of last year.
Wow, thats a long time. But I'm sure some good/ok group will sub it
hope its a good anime, if its not i wont bother with it
How about watching an episode before wondering if you should bother with it.
wasnt expecting this
Downloading raw [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I'll update yous ppl
is that a clip from the show?Quote:
yes it is
I LOVE THIS ANIME!!! lol ok maybe im to excited but i seen the first episode and its surpassed my expectations and for anyone who knows me knows ive been wanting to see this anime for the longest. go see it!
Heres another clip
yeah i guess ill do thatQuote:
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
How about watching an episode before wondering if you should bother with it.
capoera samurai? hehehe where can i dl the eps?
hehe yea Mujen has a unusual fighting style. Check
I can't wait to dl it. Anyone know when it's coming out on DVD? IT SHALL BE MINE[img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
You didn't hear it from me, well, maybe you did, but there is a sub in the works for this already.
Show has a lot of potential, there are a few groups that may sub despite the license.
Wow the animation is really good.
Also the main character guy sounds kinda like Zoro from one piece. Same voice actor?
The fighting in the clips posted here look awesome... it looks like it will worth watching just for that...
How about plot? I realize there's only one episode out, but does it look like it have promise to develop some plot?