My god!!, is A/A translation bad, or were itachi and kisame overestimating naruto. I mean wtf. Why are they like......"we'll die if we fight him" i mean shouldnt itachi and kisame absolutely destroy naruto.....
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My god!!, is A/A translation bad, or were itachi and kisame overestimating naruto. I mean wtf. Why are they like......"we'll die if we fight him" i mean shouldnt itachi and kisame absolutely destroy naruto.....
just a translation error. nothing big. and it's obvious that they were talking about jiraiya the whole time. naruto was never brought up.
i believe in the manga!
it's so annoying how anime adds random, unnecessary shit to throw us off. i bet you, in the episode where itachi retreats, they'll have kisame says something stupid like "YOU IDIOT, WE WERE ALMOST KILLED! GOD, WE CAN'T HANDLE JIRAIYA, HE'S TOO MUCH FOR THE WHOLE AKATSUKI ORGANIZATION"
or something crap like that.
Haha, therefore fueling the fire of "Itachi is no match for Jiraiya, he'd get pwned any day of the week". I can see it happening after watching 83.
yea on second watching i agree with u mutt, thats annoying though coz now we dont know wat to belive....bcoz according to what there saying if itachi > orochi and jiriaya > itachi it could possibly be jiriaya > orochi | but i may be like scissors paper rocks lol
i find it hard to believe that itachi and kisame vs jiraiya would mean certain death for itachi and kisame, because itachi is stronger then oro, but jiraiya coupled with tsunade had a hard time fighting oro so it doesn't make sense maybe in a one on one fight with jiraiya he could lose but not when he's coupled with kisame
Yeah that was a messed up translation.
They kept talking about how strong someone is, then they say "He has a Sannin as a companion". So does that mean they are talking about Naruto the whole time before Jiraiya was mentioned? That is messed up if that is the case.
I mean Naruto could go insane Kyubi and I still think he couldn't beat Itachi, hell he couldn't even beat Kimimaro..
So they have to be talking about Jiraiya the whole time.
I think Naruto could take Itachi on. It might be a long going fight to death but, Naruto could do it. It's not just he's has Kyubi to fall back on but with Naruto's determination he could go head to head and come out some what intact. Lets not forget Naruto's next in line to be Hokage after Tsunade. Time after time he's proven that's he's extreamly powerful.
uhhh... no. he couldn't lay a finger on kimimaro when in FULL kyubi mode. i mean like, this is probably the most naruto has reached for kyubi chakra. the number of clones he made was just jaw dropping.Quote:
Originally posted by: Lefty
I think Naruto could take Itachi on. It might be a long going fight to death but, Naruto could do it. It's not just he's has Kyubi to fall back on but with Naruto's determination he could go head to head and come out some what intact. Lets not forget Naruto's next in line to be Hokage after Tsunade. Time after time he's proven that's he's extreamly powerful.
Didnt the kaga bunshin in eps 1 match the kaga bunshin during kimimaro? i find its the same lol
more or less, naruto was in a high emotional state so its possible that the kage bushin was the same amount in both occasions
I believe that anbu may have make an translation error, but since I don't have the raw I'm not 100% sure.
Either that or the producers really mess up, they (Naruto anime producers) need a better QC team, bad.
Anyway yeah this undoubtly put a dent in the "Itachi is the strongest ninja alive" theory, 2 vs 1 and still a stalemate? WTF? The guy that had Oro shitting his pant can't even take on someone Oro hold off against even when it's 2 senin vs 1??
WTF. What could you possibly need the raw for? AA may have made a translation error, but if you knew japanese, you would be able to tell this from the subbed version as well.Quote:
Originally posted by: Destroyor
I believe that anbu may have make an translation error, but since I don't have the raw I'm not 100% sure.
Yeah. I think Itachi and Sharkface probably feared Jiraiya. If not, why would Itachi face Naruto head on in the hotel and distract Jiraiya??
I would think Jiraiya who have lived for very long time probably have faced many sharingans before, before they were all wiped out by Itachi. So Jiraiya would be very experienced going against sharingan users.
But then again, Itachi is one of a kind. And Itachi is still relatively very young. (He's around 18? right?).. ANd Jiraiya is around 50+ which would mean he probably have went through many battles and a war or two as well.
I just watched the episode, and they are most definitely talking about Jiraiya, thats why Itachi from what i can see had that woman distract him to get to naruto without interference from jiraiya, im a huge fan of naruto and even i think he has no change against itachi yet
you must've missed out on a lot of discussion in the manga section about that topic. itachi is playing this smart and safe. itachi's isn't THAT much stronger than jiraiya so of course he'd rather take the safe way if he could. there is no point of going for a direct assault cuz jiraiya will cause them a lot of trouble.Quote:
Originally posted by: Stoopider
Yeah. I think Itachi and Sharkface probably feared Jiraiya. If not, why would Itachi face Naruto head on in the hotel and distract Jiraiya??
He's only avoiding an unnecessary battle. Plus, why would Jiraiya have faced the Sharingan, i.e. the Uchiha clan, before? They're all part of the leaf, there's no need for them to have fought (apart from fighting Itachi now). I'd guess that he's never faced the Sharingan before, but he most likely knows what to expect.Quote:
Originally posted by: Stoopider
Yeah. I think Itachi and Sharkface probably feared Jiraiya. If not, why would Itachi face Naruto head on in the hotel and distract Jiraiya??
I would think Jiraiya who have lived for very long time probably have faced many sharingans before, before they were all wiped out by Itachi. So Jiraiya would be very experienced going against sharingan users.
But then again, Itachi is one of a kind. And Itachi is still relatively very young. (He's around 18? right?).. ANd Jiraiya is around 50+ which would mean he probably have went through many battles and a war or two as well.
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
you must've missed out on a lot of discussion in the manga section about that topic. itachi is playing this smart and safe. itachi's isn't THAT much stronger than jiraiya so of course he'd rather take the safe way if he could. there is no point of going for a direct assault cuz jiraiya will cause them a lot of trouble.Quote:
Originally posted by: Stoopider
Yeah. I think Itachi and Sharkface probably feared Jiraiya. If not, why would Itachi face Naruto head on in the hotel and distract Jiraiya??
We dont even know if Itachi is stronger than Jiraya..
Wow. So much feedback. Brain overload. Hmm. Sorry Mutata. I don't get what your saying.
My initial arguement was thatItachi and sharkface was talking about Jiraiya and not Naruto. Hence, they try and kidnap naruto beneath Jiraiya's nose rather than taking him head on.
Yeah. I did miss out the talk in the Naruto Manga side. Different timezone. Aih.
But to some replies...
- I would think Jiraiya had probably went face to face vs. The sharingan. Just because their the same village doesn't mean they don't spar together though. Or at least know about the Sharingan ability. It's an educated guess.
- And I never said Jiraiya or Itachi was stronger. Just said that Itachi is very young, but he should be fearful of Jiraiya none the less. As we manga readers know, Itachi and Sharkface did eventually pull out of the head on confrontation when Jiraiya started to do his Frog mouth stuff. Thus avoid unecessary battles like Cmdr Raven sez.
However in the anime, Itachi did say that he is so dangerous that even if he bring more men, it wouldn't still make a difference and their efforts would still be futile. Was that a rant? Or a Fact?
- And we haven't had a real confirmation(Well, not in this thread that is)from someone who interpreted what Itachi said correctly from the Japanese. An according to the interpretation of some from the subtitles, he is meaning either Jiraiya or Naruto.
And thats why I believe he was talking about Jiraiya.
just want to throw in some random words. i read to the post where some annoying guy that only writes lines 3-4 words long. who said oroachimaru is no match for itachi. this has been discussed alot in the manga forum so ill just repeat what said in there.
orochimaru thiks to highly of the sharingan. cuase it can copy jutsus orochimaru believes he wont be any mtach to itachi's jutsu library. sure he might also be afraid of the mange sharingan but not so afraid so he dont stand a chance against him. i believe either one of the sannin would have a good chance of beating itachi.
and now to what this post was about originally. thats probaly a translation error maybe they were saying that they cant let naruto to release the kyubi becuase they would die fighting him. cant see anyone else they would die against. it cant be jiraiya since they are 2 S class criminals.
S class criminals.. S for Sannin??
I still defend my case!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Also, Sharkface did say the three Sannins make the 10 swordsmen look pathetic. Or something like that. But you maybe right about him releasing his kyuubi. Maybe.