OHFG this game looks sweet. I just saw the trailer on ign. Go check it out, its nothing like the cel shaded version (wind waker).
Its gonna come out on 2006 i think, thats a hella long way, but they should take their time on making it a great game.
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OHFG this game looks sweet. I just saw the trailer on ign. Go check it out, its nothing like the cel shaded version (wind waker).
Its gonna come out on 2006 i think, thats a hella long way, but they should take their time on making it a great game.
A trailer on IGN???
*Runs to check out trailer
you guys couldve just added it to the "nintendo at E3" topic
but yes......looks like ocarina of time + the models and detail of ssb melee......
which is always a good thing
i wonder where in the zelda storyline this would take place
oops, i didnt notice the Nintendo e3 topic until just recently.
i personally think that the game is going to pick up some time after OOT, maybe Ganon broke out of the barrier, anyone notice how in past games, its either ganon comes back or a new story but with the same enemies.
yeah it looks like ocarina of time in next gen 3D. this game is gonna kick ass
you have just made my day.
now i don't regret buying the gamecube. and they said there wasn't any good games for it.
is now on the hunt.
figures its ig. damn i don't have an account with them.
some one know of another place to view it.
BTW MP2 and RE4 look pretty badass too. Looks like it's gonna be a good year for the GCN. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
OMG thats awesome...tho it looks liek a little battle from lord of the rings with the beasts etc...but awesome!!!
anyone know how the zelda storyline works? i heard that it kinda goes backwards.....with the 1st NES game being the farthest along in the story
lets see.....
ocarina of time is the only one with "ganondorf", so i'd say thats the first one
then link to the past (ganon's banished to the dark world)
then the 1st nes one (ganon makes it into the light world and kidnaps zelda)
majora's mask fits after ocarina of time, the gba zelda fits uh......after link to the past?
no idea about the 2nd nes one, never played that
but then it seems wind waker goes past ALL the zelda games to a time where hyrule's actually destroyed...
i wonder if this newest one will precede wind waker
Phew, that trailer looks awesome.........
We can only cross our fingers that it won't just be more of the same with better graphics.... I'd like some innovation too.
We can trust Nintendo, they'll deliver.
Yeah that trailer is sweet. Personally I prefer the look of they promised us for wind waker (beofre they did the 180 spin and made it what is). I really want to play a truly dark zelda game. But this is far from a complaint. Link owns all, has for years, and forever will.
I've never played any Zelda game in my life, because of all little stupid things they put into it, but after seeing the trailer im willing to make an exception
Pretty nice timeline, but the Gameboy Zeldas were kinda the nowhere I think.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
lets see.....
ocarina of time is the only one with "ganondorf", so i'd say thats the first one
then link to the past (ganon's banished to the dark world)
then the 1st nes one (ganon makes it into the light world and kidnaps zelda)
majora's mask fits after ocarina of time, the gba zelda fits uh......after link to the past?
no idea about the 2nd nes one, never played that
but then it seems wind waker goes past ALL the zelda games to a time where hyrule's actually destroyed...
i wonder if this newest one will precede wind waker
edit: I said storyline instead of timeline
What stupid little things? Don't make statements like that without backing it up. Zelda never has stupid things.Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
I've never played any Zelda game in my life, because of all little stupid things they put into it, but after seeing the trailer im willing to make an exception
I don't think Zelda has stupid things, always thought they were awesome games. But , was happy to hear about the new Zelda comming out, especially since it's not cel shaded (though i did like wind waker) but the preview for the new game looks great..i know know someone who watches the trailer at least once a day
ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!? DUDE.... someone stole your childhood.....Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
I've never played any Zelda game in my life, because of all little stupid things they put into it, but after seeing the trailer im willing to make an exception
what part of the original zelda was stupid? the black 8 bit sprites that alternated positions every other frame, or the green and tan colored sprite that became a white and tan colored sprite when the blue round sprite was purchased with the diamond shaped sprites?
honestly, if youve ever been a true gamer, then you couldnt possibly have a sense of "stupid things" with games back in those days......those were the days when plumbers from brooklyn could save a princess of mushroom people and NOBODY would even think twice about that
it was all about gameplay back then.....which unfortunately isnt as much the case these days [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
*Sniff* Your post brings a tear to my eye...... BRING BACK THE DAYS OF OLD! Like you said, it was all about gameplay. *sigh* I miss those days.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
what part of the original zelda was stupid? the black 8 bit sprites that alternated positions every other frame, or the green and tan colored sprite that became a white and tan colored sprite when the blue round sprite was purchased with the diamond shaped sprites?
honestly, if youve ever been a true gamer, then you couldnt possibly have a sense of "stupid things" with games back in those days......those were the days when plumbers from brooklyn could save a princess of mushroom people and NOBODY would even think twice about that
it was all about gameplay back then.....which unfortunately isnt as much the case these days [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
wtf, assrtn! are you trying to make us cry?!?! =*(
heartless bastard!
EDIT: zelda has no flaws, it never had any, and it never will! >=(
v_v probably is trying to make us cry, remembering the old days.. well, anways, i agree that zelda dosent' really have any flaws..such a superb game series