Bakuretsu Tenshi
who has seen this anime, it looks pretty cool to me
it's about 4 girls who work as some sort of mercenary "get backers" kinda group.
One girl, Joe (who looks almost exactly like Rei from NGE) is the action girl with her guns and she has some sort of cursed seal on her arm
Another girl, Meg (looks exactly Like Asuka from NGE) is the stupid bait girl or something, she really can't do anything and almost need to be rescued al the time.
Sei is the driver
and another little girl (dunno the name) is a computer hacker
There's also the big robot Jango wich is mostly piloted by Joe
RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi
There is already a thread about this... post in that thread... this one should be closed
RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi
The little girl is called Amy but Bud's right. You'd better search for a BT threat which we have 2 or 3 of already so please add your impressions about this series there. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]