Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Sasuke and Sakura are both more liabilities than assets to the village. Sasuke is prone to fits of jealousy, and is more loyal to power and revenge than to his village. His judgement is easily clouded. He's also more of an asshole in general, especially after his encounter with Itachi.
And it seems to me that after the Chunnin exam, the other gennins are always chasing after Sasuke's lone wolf actions. The first time was trying to find Sasuke who went after Gaara (well in this case maybe I'm wrong, maybe Sasuke was ordered by a Jounin to chase Gaara). The second time was when Sasuke left to find Orochimaru.
Of course Sasuke is still redeemable, after all the author can just claim it was all because of the cursed seal, who was consuming his soul and breaking his free will. But maybe the author won't redeem sasuke, because sasuke might make a better villain.
Sakura is just worthless, everytime she's on a mission, she's worse than useless because she's often in trouble, putting her teammates in bad positions trying to save her. She has no tactical skills, she has no special technique. The only thing she seems to be good at is explaining how chakra systems work, and dispelling sleep. She definately is not even good at looking through most illusions, she was fooled several times.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
i don't see anything wrong with sasuke. i don't care if he is arrogant and gets jealous. it gives him more of a personality than some of the characters in the series.
and sakura... forget her.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Sasuke isn't as bad as people make him out to be, and Sakura has always been useless. There was never much to expect from her, she can only get better now. Hopefully she'll train under Tsunade, and Sasuke also becoming more powerful but a bad guy would make things interesting as well. I'm suprised N-A-S hasn't posted here yet, that where you'll probably get the most support on this thread.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Hopefully she'll train under Tsunade,
Yeah for this point with her, i think it would be best if she learned from Tsunade, look at most of the other groups in comparison, They may not all on the same exact level, but most groups tend to have one significant player or strong group (excluding Neji/Rock Lee group Tenten just sucks ass).
But for the group, i think it would be best if they made her get strong and learn from Tsunade, seeing Naruto and Sasuke get strong on their own would seem to be a reality, but would ruin alot of factors which make this series good.
Ex: They're a group, it wouldnt be smart just to up and forget about her and just totally change the way the series is going. The 3 sannin are resemblent to Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura, so in my understanding i dont think it would be wise to forget her.
Notice if they got rid of alot of the minor characters, it would be pulling a DBZ.
BTW Konohamaru grats to the 666 post [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
back in the days i would say that sakura should get training from tsunade, but not anymore. sasuke and orochimaru and naruto and jiraiya share similarities with each other. but tsunade and sakura do not. they're nothing a like. sakura sucks, tsunade doesn't (i can go deeper into this but you guys can figure it out). they share absolutely no bond/relationship with each other and sakura has no intention of being a good ninja. instead of spending time worrying about others, she should go put an apron on along with the rest of the useless girls out there. ahahahaahahahaa
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
I don't think Sasuke is that bad. People need to realize, that he's not going to be happy-go-lucky, like Naruto is. From the get-go, his only motive was to kill his brother, no matter how. It's simply not right to hate him because of that. I think he's matured too, in his own way. He did learn to care for his team-mates (see, him defending Naruto against Haku, and insisting on taking on Gaara, despite his weakened condition to give Naruto and Sakura time to run away.) But, Itachi has so much negative influence on him, he fell into fits of insecurity. I mean, how many times has Naruto felt like crap, because others acknowledged everybody, BUT him?
I mean, by that logic, people should hate Naruto for having so much empty bravado, and loudmouth.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Originally posted by: kilzo
Notice if they got rid of alot of the minor characters, it would be pulling a DBZ.
FYI, a lot pf people have been trying to slip this statement through, but Masashi's NOT THAT PREDICTABLE. The storyline doesn't follow the aspect of DBZ, so please discontinue with that use. Every single thread I've read of topics with "... like a DBZ episode/...like DBZ story/...like DBZ ending", it never turns out that way!
I sense the stupidity the 'DBZ-Predictors' are from saying that.
No hard feelings to all; remember, just a little FYI.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Sakura's only benefit is expert chakra control and her smartness. She'll probably be a medic ninja.
But how many doctors do you know are 12 years old? The only reason i'll see her learn under Tsunade is because Tsunade was a ninja medic. Thats why I would believe Tsunade would someday teach Sakura.
As she is now, she a definite liability.
For Sasuke. Nothing much can be said about him. He's totally obsessed to be stronger just for revenge. His a liability from the start. A brilliant character but too mentally unstable to be of any proper use.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
but tsunade and sakura do not. they're nothing a like.
That is true, but when you look at Tsunade when she was younger, i noticed that she was also looked down apon by jiy and oro, as looking at the time when jiy got tied up and tsun and oro were standing by laughing at him. THey both do look down on her, but i feel that she didnt actually become powerful til alittle bit later, and which i hope will happen with sakura. They can't just up and leave her, shes not good at all right now, but shes too tied in with the story now to get rid of her. I could also see her being the medic nin because of her care of her fellow nins.
And with the DBZ comment, FYI, i made no comment about episodes, when i heard that they would much rather get rid of the minor characters, that reminds me of the smaller characters in DBZ which later were totally forgot and never metioned, basically anyone who wasnt sayjin(?)
Sorry about making the respembence, but i think everyones got high expectations for this series.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Sakura is just worthless. Kishimoto should just kill her off. Tsunade in her early years was never like Sakura. Tsunade was stronger and smarter than Sakura, she always had her freakish strength and she was way smarter than Jaraiya. What the hell are you talking about? Sorry, but it was Jaraiya always being looked down upon by the two (Oro and Tsunade).
Sasuke is just Leaf Village's trailer trash. Like Kakashi said, "those who desert their friends are worst than trash." There were so many times where his brother could have easily killed him. He's acting like Konohamaru trying to kill his grandpa (the third hokage). That's how stupid it is, so pathetic.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
I don't think Sasuke is that bad. People need to realize, that he's not going to be happy-go-lucky, like Naruto is. From the get-go, his only motive was to kill his brother, no matter how. It's simply not right to hate him because of that. I think he's matured too, in his own way. He did learn to care for his team-mates (see, him defending Naruto against Haku, and insisting on taking on Gaara, despite his weakened condition to give Naruto and Sakura time to run away.) But, Itachi has so much negative influence on him, he fell into fits of insecurity. I mean, how many times has Naruto felt like crap, because others acknowledged everybody, BUT him?
I mean, by that logic, people should hate Naruto for having so much empty bravado, and loudmouth.
I've always thought Naruto was annoying. Sasuke's goal is for himself only, and Naruto's is just so that he can be acknowledged by others. Becoming strong just so you can get praise from others is retarded.
Dazzz, I get what you mean about Sakura and Tsunade not being similar and that she belongs in the kitchen, but it doesn't look like that's gonna be happening, so she might as well get better.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Mitsurugi, i think you just proved my point with the resemblence towards tsunade and sakura.
Tsunade/sakura looked down on Jiraiya/Naruto. (Sorry about the misprint, early in their lives Oro/tsunade look down on Jir, but later it seems when they're older Jir/Oro look down on Tsunade.)
They never stated when exactly she had the freakish strength, but Tsunade/Sakura is smarter than Jiraiya/Naruto.
Now the details on physical strength dont apply but sakura does a have the strongest chakra control, which may be her best ability throughout.
Shes not good. We all know that, but we know they arent going to just kill her, so the only thing they could do is eventually teach her a technique
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
I don't think Sasuke is that bad. People need to realize, that he's not going to be happy-go-lucky, like Naruto is. From the get-go, his only motive was to kill his brother, no matter how. It's simply not right to hate him because of that. I think he's matured too, in his own way. He did learn to care for his team-mates (see, him defending Naruto against Haku, and insisting on taking on Gaara, despite his weakened condition to give Naruto and Sakura time to run away.) But, Itachi has so much negative influence on him, he fell into fits of insecurity. I mean, how many times has Naruto felt like crap, because others acknowledged everybody, BUT him?
I mean, by that logic, people should hate Naruto for having so much empty bravado, and loudmouth.
I've always thought Naruto was annoying. Sasuke's goal is for himself only, and Naruto's is just so that he can be acknowledged by others. Becoming strong just so you can get praise from others is retarded.
Dazzz, I get what you mean about Sakura and Tsunade not being similar and that she belongs in the kitchen, but it doesn't look like that's gonna be happening, so she might as well get better.
Holy crap. Somebody is actually agreeing with me, in that Naruto is annoying and obnoxious. You're cool, dude.
Yes, I agree. I think Naruto and Sasuke are about the same, in terms of being lame.
Naruto fights so he can have everybody acknowledge him as the shit.
Sasuke fights to kill his brother, and rebuild his clan.
--- which do you think sounds better?
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
it sounded so bad ass when sasuke was like "... to kill a certain man and resurrect my clan"
it was bad ass. we need more revenge, murder, assassinations, etc. all the wimpy ass, pussy characters need to just get an inner-decapitation no jutsu and left to die.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
I wonder how is Sasuke going to resurrect his clan if he's gay?
Okay. That was bad. Hey. I should start a thread on this... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Originally posted by: Stoopider
I wonder how is Sasuke going to resurrect his clan if he's gay?
Okay. That was bad. Hey. I should start a thread on this... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
That crosses my mind eventually, too.
Sasuke should concentrate in one issue at a time, otherwise, he will disperse his energy and acomplish nothing.
He should estabilish priorities. Right now if he could analize matters dispassionately, he'd realize that killing Itachi is not feasible.
I mean, gay or not, if he has already reached puberty, he could start rebuilding his clan. As you should know by now, gay men are still apt to reproduce sexually, it's only a matter of enjoying it or not. But, after all, he has a duty towards his blood line, and should be ready to do whatever sacrifice it takes, willingly. Moreover, I believe that, considering his good looks, he wouldn't have problems in gathering help for such task.
Not only Sakura, but certainly, lots of girls in Konoha as stupid as she, seem to be more than willing to help him. Except of course, for Hinata, who couldn't care less about the little brat and already has her share of blood-line related problems.
Then again, his deep desire to kill Itachi, which in his heart surpasses his duty of bringing a new batch of Uchihas to this world, leaves his true intentions open for speculation: is it really revenge what he wants???
And, please, even if you don't like me, take my advise and don't start a thread on Sasky's sexual orientation. It *will* be locked.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
They are basically two characters that the manga can do without. You can re-write the manga without Sakura, and it wouldn't change a thing.
Now if you exclude Sasuke from the manga, you can still have Itachi. I mean come on, how many of you guys out there actually thing that Sasuke's got a chance against Itachi? This way Oro would be in Kimimaro's bad ass body (literally) and Naruto will probably be the one to rid the world of Itachi. See, it wouldn't really hurt the storyline. Kishimoto's making this too drawn out.
There comes a point when every manga starts to lose its appeal. I hope Naruto ends before it gets to that point.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
is that a joke? naruto storyline wouldn't work half way through without sasuke.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
Your Sakura hating is getting tiresome. If Sakura is an unimpressive character, then it's only Kishimoto's fault for not being able to write female characters well. Don't get me wrong; I still like Kishimoto, but even he has admitted that he can't write women.
Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.
sasgay is a whining biach but he's the reason that made naruto work harder and keep the plot going. i agreed. But for sakuwhore, i dunno about her. I hated her after she and sasgay talked and he left her. WOW, what a stupid fucking dumbass bitch.