About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Well to all those who've said that Itachi always had his sharingan on, it's wrong. He had it off a few times in 81, so still he dosen't always has it on... The manga showed him in sharingan-mode all the time..
I'm just so freakin' happy the best episode ever, haku arc kiss my ass!
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
well because in the manga its only a few frames. it wouldn't be smart to have it on always anyways.
it takes up to much chakra.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Any chance of some screen caps from the episode?
Sorry, I didn't mean caps of just Itachi without his Sharingan.
Thanks for what you did post though.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
The episode was great.
Hey itachi cap some of when he just opened the coat. That looks even more badass. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
wow! thats really cool just off to watch the raw now i think he looks cool with out the sharingan on ^_^
EDIT: that episode did really rock!! didnt understand a word of it but read the manga so i av clue to what they were saying. itachi was really cool man sharingan vs sharingan!! lol i understood that hehe.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
This really isn't that important, but I guess it ends the debate about him never having his Sharingan off.
EDIT: Apparently, it was never off, which would make this thread completely pointless
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Itachi kicks ass hes like Shesshomaru,and all the other badass characters in animes, cant wait to see what he does to Sasuke
but thats cool about him not having his sharingan on
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Well it is interesting to see, but i dont really get the importance... is it because even Itachi can't keep his sharingan on all the time?
Off topic: Itachi_, i really like your new sig and avatar lol. KENSHIN is like the coolest character... ever..
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
well i thought the true master of sharingan could have it on all the time.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
uh.....are you sure his sharingan is off in those pictures? his eyes still look like they are tinted red....you just cant see the details of the sharingan under she shadows of his hat
edit: i tried upping the brightness on my monitor and not only do is see the center pupil (which you wouldnt see in an anime character that has black eyes), but i can make out one of the smaller pupil things in his right eye....regardless though, the redness in his eyes are definitely there
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
yea he aint got the sharingan on then might be just a art mistake we dunno [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
wait.. does anyone know what it says on itachi's ring that hes wearing?
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
more kisame. hell yeah.
any one feel like posting a ton of kisame ones.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Hes not as cool, its really his big ass sword we all like
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: originalkrn
wait.. does anyone know what it says on itachi's ring that hes wearing?
Go to a site called Paradise in winter. There are links for it everywhere in this forum, and I am too lazy to copy and paste right now.
She gives a fully explanation about the rings and their meanings and also about what Akatsuki means.
And that, just because *I* asked. True. I asked about the meaning of Akatsuki (I thought it meant red moon, but the kanjis are diff) and she gave this whole long and great explanation for that.
That woman totally rocks!
Yeah, I say Itachi's eyes were in the shadow. Right off the bat he stares at Kurenai and Asuma with them.
Was he actually willing to fight right away?
Well, sorry to say, but Sesshoumaru still prettier than Itachi. Naruto is not too much of a bishie, so I guess they have to go with a light hand with the bishouneness of the other characters.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
What the hell is up with Itachi's purple nail polish?!
What a homo! ;p
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: Himura_san
What the hell is up with Itachi's purple nail polish?!
What a homo! ;p
Ya Itachi is gay! Sasuke and Itachi are both gay now, so Uchiha clan is a clan of gay people. We finally know why Sasuke takes no interest in girls, it runs in the family.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: Xceleration
Originally posted by: Himura_san
What the hell is up with Itachi's purple nail polish?!
What a homo! ;p
Ya Itachi is gay! Sasuke and Itachi are both gay now, so Uchiha clan is a clan of gay people. We finally know why Sasuke takes no interest in girls, it runs in the family.
I am still giving Sasuke the benefit of the doubt.
My theory is that he will grow a third comma in his eyes when he hits puberty, and by that time he will be paying more attention to girls.
As for Itachi, too early to tell. But if he were gay, he'd have a better looking travelling companion. I believe he can afford that. Kisame's too ugly to be anybody's boyfriend, man or woman.
So, just the purple nail polisher is not enough to make such a statement as a fact.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
i saw 81 and sharingan was on the whole episode... there wasn't a scene shown with itachi not having sharingan on