Looking for some ecchi anime's
I am looking for anime's that are really ecchi and have lots of toppless scenes of girls and with some sex and humor. I also like good action but mixed in with some comedy. I want some anime's that have lot's of nudity(girls only though) and can almost be mistakened for a hentai but isn't. I would buy hentai but i dont like little girls being raped by aliens and shit.I was just wondering if some of you can help mi with some anime's with lots of nudity such as mouse and lots of fanservice like Ikkitousen but i really just want lots of nudity with good action or comedy. And werre can i find other food sites to download these kind of fansubs? thanks for time
and yes i am the pervet sensei~!
Looking for some ecchi anime's
Here's some BT sites BT Sites.
Here's some Anime reviews to find the anime you want.
I doubt you'll have trouble finding them. There are lots and lots of ecchi animes.
Looking for some ecchi anime's
Have you watched Green Green yet? If not check it out! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] It's one of the ecchiest and funniest series I know. Damn I loved that show. I waiting impatiently for the release of the second OVA this summer. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Looking for some ecchi anime's
O_O I didn't know there was a first OVA released~! ; ;
Looking for some ecchi anime's
My favorite ecchi would be Golden Boy. Its only six episodes long, but its worth it.
Beyond that I haven't seen a whole lot. Love Hina comes to mind, but I actually enjoyed a lot of the comedy in that and didn't pay much attention to the fanservice.
RE: Looking for some ecchi anime's
mahoromatic is pretty ecchi as well, but green green. god damn, that thing's crazy
RE: Looking for some ecchi anime's
For the ultimate in ecchi you'd have to go a long way to beat Eiken - only 1 episode I know of that's been subbed, but what an episode :-)
Otherwise you could check anidb for more suggestions, personally I'd recommend the following:
Battle Programmer Shirase (not really ecchi as such, but very worthit for the standing joke - here's hoping there's a second season)
Full Metal Panic - Fumoffu (again more comedy than ecchi - but the funniest anime I've seen in a long while)
Golden Boy (a classic - gets a big recommend from here too)
Green Green (very funny, very ecchi, big recommend for this one)
Ikkitousen (fighting, gratuitous panty shots, more fighting, nudity, more fighting, good story too)
Mouse (good story, good quality for the animation, great characters)
Najica Dengeki Sakusen (why settle for 1 panty shot when you can have thousands)
Onegai Teacher (good story)
Tenjou Tenge (new this season - shaping up pretty well so far)
Variable Geo (girls in waitress outfits fighting - not too bad)
Very Private Lesson (only a 2-parter, but well worth a watch)
Yumeria (Really enjoyed the story, not majorly ecchi, but not bad)
Hope that gives you a starting point
RE: Looking for some ecchi anime's
is there 2 ovas for green green? i just downloaded the ova thats on the series page of gotwoot, is there another?
RE: Looking for some ecchi anime's
There's the ova a that came before the series... and there is another one that if not mistaken will be out this summer
RE: Looking for some ecchi anime's
For another type of ecchi anime, I'd suggest Colorful and the one about a pet hamster as the housekeeper from gainax. These are funny as hell...
RE: Looking for some ecchi anime's
hamster housekeeper is called ebichu i believe animesuki has some of the eps ...never found anyone who did the rest though
RE: Looking for some ecchi anime's
Oruchuban Ebichu OWNZ [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] go's a little further than ecchi, it was really censored in Japan, but the subs on animesuki are from the dvd wich weren't censored
btw green green is really hard to download these days, does anyone have a good BT site with seeds