is aone gonna sub the onegai twins ova? does any1 know?
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is aone gonna sub the onegai twins ova? does any1 know?
If I'm not blind AonE has finaly released it!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] *zooms over to download it*
i don't think thats the OVA guys. Snow angel, if i remeber correctly, is a little music video that was made for teacher by the animators.
Yes it is. Sorry guys, was my mistake... -_- *feels overworked after a veeery long day*
I need to apologize here [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
I would do shameful things to see this OVA fansubbed.
lol, i got all excited too HMPH~!! naughty neko sniper, getting me all excited.. I WANT ONEGAI TWINS OVA T_T.
BTW, i can't get my signature to work, can anyone help?
the OVA RAW has come out on [(WinnyRaw) Onegai Twins - 13 WITHOUT SUBTITLES.wmv]
Doesn't look very interesting at viewing, though a few of the OT series characters finally make an appearance.
I have a feeling that the Onegai project might not be done, but it's just a feeling.
I really hope some-one subs it. I really did enjoy Onegai teacher series and OVA as well as the Onegai Twins series.
It would be cool if they made another series, but I'm not sure how? New characters? Or mix from the 1st 2?
Anyways lets hope some-one subs Onegai Twins OVA eventually. I know I definately want to check it out, so I'll have to wait (until it's subbed or my Japanese becomes fluent, hey I'm working on it). [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Ecchi Eggu Fansubs just subbed them.... havent seen it yet
I took a gander. Twas a good laugh, really made me realize how much I miss the Onegai series.
I hope they make another one soon, they can use the characters they already have, oh that Marie.... lol
Originally posted by: Budweineken
Ecchi Eggu Fansubs just subbed them.... havent seen it yet
I tried searching, but I can't find them. please direct me..[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Thank you, downloading now. I love you. Shameful things, here I come...!
im really new to this type of forum...but anyway if this works i would like to know how am i able to watch the episodes that i dowload with bit-torrent? and suggestions???
Originally posted by: Adrinar
im really new to this type of forum...but anyway if this works i would like to know how am i able to watch the episodes that i dowload with bit-torrent? and suggestions???
Any media player that supports .avi files...BitTorrent is just the downloader, not a file extension.
ahhh ic i'll get right on it thank you^_^
Since those Egg guys have released their subbed version of the movie, will AonE do so too? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
i don't know about EE, but you also get several prominent codecs like XviD, DivX, etc.