Heya, I need some help watching Naruto torrent....
Yeah, I just got into the series with the first 3 issues of manga. I've seen some more from narutofan.com, but now crave to see the anime! Well I can only afford a DVD or two, so I came here to try to download some torrent. Can someone help me with watching it? Is there something else I need to download to watch it? I click on the epiode I want, and it initiates the download and is done in a few seconds but I can't watch it afterwatds. Help is much ablidged. ^_^
RE: Heya, I need some help watching Naruto torrent....
Another question, why can't I get my custom icon right away? Is there a post requirement? And while on that subject, is there a post requirement to posting images or URL's? I suppose not on the latter because I got my current favorite song in my sig!
Heya, I need some help watching Naruto torrent....
ok, unless you got some commercial internet connection you can't dl naruto anime episodes in few seconds. so right off the bat, you're already doing something wrong. you're better off in the anime support/bt support forums. but don't post there, just wait for a mod to move this topic to the correct forum.
and use the EDIT button, there is no need to multi-post. for your custom avatars, go here:
it should explain everything. and there is no post requirement for anything. post whatever you want, as long as it's not spam or spoilers (depending on forum).
Heya, I need some help watching Naruto torrent....
im assuming you downloaded bitorrent to watch the episodes right??
Heya, I need some help watching Naruto torrent....
Kyosuke-kun, please look around more for information on this subject.
Info on posting sigs and custom avatars can be found in General Discussion.
Info and support on both downloading via bittorrent and playing your video files can be found in Bittorrent Support and Anime Support.
Welcome to gotwoot, and please have fun, but also take the time to familiarize yourself with all the different subsections and their accompanying rules.