Question about orochimaru
alright. I've seen all the episodes and have read the manga several times. Maybe this has already been discussed, but how is it that oro can still summon Manda and those other snakes. I mean it requires a blood contract and oro is in someone else's body. Now if his blood is the key to his contracts, how can he still summon using someone else's blood. Now i have several theories on this. but i'd like to hear what other people think.
Question about orochimaru
you've stomped the hell out of me.
Question about orochimaru
Do you mean stumped? [img]i/expressions/light.gif[/img]
RE: Question about orochimaru
maybe, Oro transfered his blood to the other body so he can summon
Question about orochimaru
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
Do you mean stumped? [img]i/expressions/light.gif[/img]
got me there on a silly typo. you get 1 point for that.
so... can we hear about the theories
Question about orochimaru
He's a genius. He can do things against the rules.
RE: Question about orochimaru
I think it doesnt really matter with body blood, but with you soul blood and since oro changes bodys his soul is still intact so, he can still summon
Question about orochimaru
Well i do have one theory but i'd rather hold on to it right now. till maybe people think of some more things. but about the whole soul blood thing? what? i'm a little confused as to what you mean. and as for the transferring of blood to another body. wouldn't the body reject blood unless it was the same type. so i'm not so sure on that theory. it seems that he just picks people with strong bodies.
RE: Question about orochimaru
There's never been any evidence to suggest that a blood contract needs to be made to summon snakes. It shows no blood used when the sand army summons snakes, it shows no blood when Orochimaru first summons a snake against Sasuke / Naruto. And, if I recall correctly, Kabuto summons snakes for Orochimaru during the showdown with Tsunade / Jiraiya, again without any blood shown. We know Kakashi's dogs require blood (recall the scroll scene against Zabuza?) and we know that the frogs require the use of blood, but I don't know if I'm convinced the same holds true for all summons.
RE: Question about orochimaru
Hey kabuto used Oro's blood in order to summon manda. also he used the contract on Oro's arm in order to do it. So on that point, i think you're wrong. But you are correct in saying that not all summons require blood in order to do it. the sound four didn't really need blood to do their summons from what i can recall.
RE: Question about orochimaru
well, oro couldve signed the contract after taking over that girl's body....or maybe he just signs it again every time he switches
or maybe part of the process of switching bodies, the new body inherits all the physical qualities of the old body......although i dont get how he could still have "uchiha blood" and his own blood at the same time if he took over sasuke's body
RE: Question about orochimaru
he just re signs the contract and gives a new print.
RE: Question about orochimaru
Maybe he will have his lawyer write a different contract, this time.
There was blood the first time he summoned the snake against Naruto.
He has a tatoo on his forearm and he smears it with blood with his thumb.
Anyhow, if the characteristics of the old body move in to the new, it won't help him to change into Sasuke's, his arms will remain screwed.
So, the theory that he renews contracts every time is a good one.
Then again, it may also have to do with the tattoo on his arm. He'd just have to have it redone, and the contract would still be the same.
Maybe he has a different deal.
Neither Jiraiya, Naruto or Kakashi seem to have to offer human sacrifices to their animals. Apparently, for the animals of the side of good, the blood of the guy who summons them seems to be enough.
But for what I understood during the fight of the three sannins, Manda demands (sounds nice, eh) human sacrifices, and depending on the energy/effort spent the numbers will increase. So, if you offer a human sacrifice, the blood will be that of the victim, and doesn't matter who's blood it is, as long as it comes in large amounts. He could loot the Red Cross and wouldn't have much prob chasing victims, for one.
RE: Question about orochimaru
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
he just re signs the contract and gives a new print.
True that. Orochimaru is kinda like a snake. So own kinds gotta stick together. Maybe
Question about orochimaru
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
Do you mean stumped? [img]i/expressions/light.gif[/img]
got me there on a silly typo. you get 1 point for that.
so... can we hear about the theories
Aww it would have been so much funnier if you had actually meant to say that you had the hell stomped out of you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Although that does sound painful ..
What would stop Oro from re-signing the summoning contracts with the new body/blood?
RE: Question about orochimaru
Good points. especially about him just resigning the contract and all. that and the whole human sacrifices thing were what i was thinking. Just wanted to hear if anyone had any other ideas. Also this raises another question. if his blood does not transfer or does transfer is a bit odd. how was he gonna use these people's blood limits if its his blood in their bodies. people like sasuke and all. what's the point of acquiring the sharingan if you don't have the uchiha blood to use it to the fullest. it would be stupid to get it and the minute you go against itachi, he defeats you when you look in his eyes like kakashi.
So how does that whole thing work?
RE: Question about orochimaru
In my opinion, the Mange Sharingan technique is a cheap and blatant ripoff of Midou Ban's 'Evil Eye' technique, and it was done 10x cooler in Get Backers.
RE: Question about orochimaru
well to be fair about how cool the mange sharingan is, we haven't seen it in the anime yet. So we can't tell.
RE: Question about orochimaru
Check out the Get Backers manga to see what I mean.. of course, to be fair .. the Evil Eye technique was much more central to the story, and much more time and effort went into that element ... so it was bound to be so much cooler than some cheap ripoff.
Question about orochimaru
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
Do you mean stumped? [img]i/expressions/light.gif[/img]
got me there on a silly typo. you get 1 point for that.
so... can we hear about the theories
Aww it would have been so much funnier if you had actually meant to say that you had the hell stomped out of you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Although that does sound painful ..
What would stop Oro from re-signing the summoning contracts with the new body/blood?
nah, everyone knew what i meant. besides, i don't need to cover anything up. ever.
get backers suck compared to naruto. so that's already thrown out. and i don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but i'm sure someone has noticed that tat on orochimaru's arm. he slides his thumb across it before he summons.