Originally posted by: Knives122
You know who Sakura and Sasuke remind me of?
Kagome and Inuyasha,
let me explain:
1.) Inuyasha thinks kagome is anoying and stupid in the beginning/ Sasuke doesnt like Sakura in the beginning
2.) Kagome always thinks Inuyasha is a "HERO"(sarcastic expression)/ Sakura thinks Sasuke some god that she needs to worship.
This anime pulls a lot of questions into play, b/c the more i think about it the more i think that the creator of NARUTO stole ideas from other animes shows (just a thought though)
Oh, come on, Kagome can shoot a mean arrow when she want to. Right around chapter 25 or something she shot Naraku's ass big time, he went so sick he had to find a new body.