My favourite quote so far
lisa: dad how did you get this fruit basket?
homer: for pushing mr. burns out of a 3 story window
lisa: oh my god is he ok?
homer: what do i look like a doctor?
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My favourite quote so far
lisa: dad how did you get this fruit basket?
homer: for pushing mr. burns out of a 3 story window
lisa: oh my god is he ok?
homer: what do i look like a doctor?
Homers da bomb man. Before SImpson. Homer was a very intelligent name. But the Simpson's managed to stupify it.
Homer : So your never going to eat meat again?
Lisa : No
H: How about Ham?
L: No
H: Bacon?
L: No
H: Pork Chop?
L: DAaaAAD! Their all from the same animal!
H: Hahah. Yeah rite Lisa. A wonderful MAGICAL Animal.
I know its so true...did you hear how fox and the simpsons are in the pre stages of making a movie?
H: You see boy, a woman is lot like a beer, its cold on the outside and smooth on the inside and you'd step over your own mother to get one...and when your done with that want another and another!
There's already a thread like this here.
Yes, bwabes is correct, there's another identical thread, and as much as i love the Simpsons I'm going to have to close this. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]