i need to know the new ports that bit torrent uses to download things because i need to enable the ports through port forwarding on my router if i dont downloads take forever........
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i need to know the new ports that bit torrent uses to download things because i need to enable the ports through port forwarding on my router if i dont downloads take forever........
please someone has to know i mean my bittorrent goes mad slow because of it and i would make my computer the dmz host to enable to be exposed to the internet but i stilll have to enable the ports through my firewall too...
the ports are 6881-6999
I'll try opening those and see if Naruto 51-60 speed up.
I don't know if it's coincidence or if it's the port switch but I'm going at 20k now! w00t
thanks imortality it worked i can now download my torrents faster.
are there any more ports or is that it? cause i forwarded those ports and i am still getting 400 Hr downloads...and i don't have a firewall.