I just finished watching the 13 episodes of Onegai Teacher and am about to start in on Onegai Twins, but what I'm wondering is, is there a connection between the two storyline-wise, or do some of the original characters make appearances or anything?
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I just finished watching the 13 episodes of Onegai Teacher and am about to start in on Onegai Twins, but what I'm wondering is, is there a connection between the two storyline-wise, or do some of the original characters make appearances or anything?
I've seen neither episode, but gotwoot has a review, and there seems to be no connection. I think one of the characters in Teacher is a teacher in twin... but thats it I think... maybe its at the same school.
Read the review
The review only goes through the first three episodes though... So I'm wondering if later on some of the old characters show up again.
The only connection is that the three main characters go to the same school that Mizuho and Kei go to. Other than that, Mizuho talks to the kids a bit here and there. They are also in the same town, so it's a given that you would see Mizuho and Kei every once in a while.
However, Mizuho talks, and Kei never says anything, never, AT ALL.
I also have a dislike for the series, I dunno why. Onegai Teacher was amazing, but Twins was just...blah...
mainva | aptigo | JTD out
There is certainly no plot connection whatsoever.... but a few mentions of the ufo accident and a few appearances by the characters of Teacher... other than that... there is nothing...
There might be in the OVA.. I saw the preview and it seems Maiku is going on a camping trip with the girls, Mizuho, Kei, Tsubaki, Shimosuki (sp?), and Morino..
Btw, speaking of the OVA, it should be out in a day or two
I hope the guys here are going to sub it so we can all enjoy it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Onegai Twins is licensed now, isn't it? So that means the OVA probably won't be fansubbed. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Even if Onegai Twins(TV) is licensed, it doesn't mean that the OVA is it too, right?
I'm sure someone will
Yeah, probably...
We'll just wait and se
I remember that the Mahoromatic seasons were licensed too before the movie came out and it was subbed by a few groups, so maaaaaybe we're lucky this time as well. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] The hope dies last!
If anyone ever sees a torrent for the OVA, post the link here, because the OT section is gone from animesuki.
Onegai Teacher was alright for what it was .. but Onegai Twins was just .... boring [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] The art/voices/music were great, but the writing didn't seem like it had any direction. At least Onegai Teacher was funny .. twins just .. bleh. Maybe the OVA will redeem it somehow.
Oh, but if the OVA torrent comes before it is licensed, then it will appear on animesuki
Well that is if it's truely an OVA... if i'm not mistaken the one for teacher came out on the final dvd of the series and was truely like an episode 13 so my guess is that it was licensed as it was released... it is probably the same for twins