I saw this in a local store, Anyone seen it? Is it good? Anyone know of any good reviews or can describe what its about?
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I saw this in a local store, Anyone seen it? Is it good? Anyone know of any good reviews or can describe what its about?
Its very good in my opinion, dark and has a great cast and story.
A few good reviews are here: http://anidb.ath.cx/perl-bin/animedb...tt&aid=114
EDIT: In case you want to have a look before you buy, KAA has done some high quality rips:
One of the best animes i have ever seen.
Thats folks, I think I better check this one out!
Bumping this moldy, old topic because I just picked up this series. I've only watched the first two episodes but am really liking this show.
It's almost minimalistic. Simple character designs, ordinary backgrounds, sparse music, lots of long shots and parts without dialogue. Really is a huge contrast with 'hyper' shows like Naruto and Bleach. But then this show gets to an action scene or an important part (Shu's meeting Hamdo for example) and they do it very thoroughly. I loved how they did Hamdo's rambling, I almost felt like I was inside his head.
Anyone else seen it or have anything to say on it?
edit: The main character is voiced by the same person who does Nami in One Piece.
LalaRu's VA does Eureka (e7) and was Subaru in the .hacks
I did a review for this show in the 30 second anime review thread. It's the only anime I've seen that pulls off the main character refusing to kill policy without being cumbersome. The animation takes a little getting used to, but it's definitely a great show. One of my favorites.
Go and tell all your friends: WATCH THIS SHOW NOW! Dark, gritty, realistic alternate universe, memorable characters, quality voice acting. This show is like Escaflowne but fucked up! Ever wish of being whisked away to a strange, different world? You won't after you watch this one...
And I think it was partly due to your review that I went and rented this one. I'm only on episode 6 but I'm positive I'll buy the DVDs. And yeah, the animation is a little different from what I'm used to, but its still pretty detailed. The character designs (their eyes in particular) takes the most getting used to.Quote:
Originally posted by: badass
I did a review for this show in the 30 second anime review thread. It's the only anime I've seen that pulls off the main character refusing to kill policy without being cumbersome. The animation takes a little getting used to, but it's definitely a great show. One of my favorites.
Oh, and I everytime I watch this show I actually look forward to the ending credits and the preview for the next episode. The ending song really almost makes me start crying. And then Hamdo does the narration for the next episode preview... He's one of the best insane characters I've ever seen. He makes Dilandau look tame...
This is a great series. I watched it a couple months ago and I'd have to say my absolute favorite part of the show is the beginning OP scene, where it says
"Because ten billion years' is so fragile, so ephemeral...it arouses such a bittersweet, almost heartbreaking fondness."
And in case you guys missed it, the world Shu goes to is actually Earth 10 billion years in the future...
This is indeed a great anime, certainly one of my favorites. I watched it about two years ago, and it really impressed me. The conflicts are presented in a simplistic manner, when they certainly aren't. Kids killing kids in a world full of rape and turture certainly makes a great anime.
Finished this series today.
An absolute masterpiece.
I think that's all there really is to say.
Definatly one of the best. Not an anime to watch if your looking for a pick-me-up happy good feeling anime [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]