Okay now my error is that the voice and animation is not working with proper timing
nevermind i got it to work by using divx player
Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
Download it from DC++, I got it in my max.
Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
Well.. You can either leave it and it'll soon connect, it happens to me all the time, I don't know the true meaning of it but it's nothing to worry about. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
DC ++ is probably the best way.
Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
dc plus plus doesnt work for me for some reason it used to and just stopped showing the hubs so i dunno
anyways the error kinda went away but it comes back and goes away momentarily
Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
man i must be alittle outdated. whats DC ++?
Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
Direct Connect ++, P2P program. Use Google.
I had that error too, just ignore it, the download will start sooner or later. Took ~10 minutes here and it started at 80k/sec.
RE: Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
or download shin otaku's version....those are actually pretty good
RE: Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
which one u think is better? bakasan or S-O?
RE: Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
Same level, but BS's screenquality sucks at episode 78.
RE: Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
i tried going to bakasan.net, and i got an "FORBIDDEN" message saying: "You don't have permission to access / on this server." ...anyone know how i can fix that?
and also, what the web adress for S-O?
RE: Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
its working for me now, thanks guys... and tass did u get banned from bakasan, the only reason that could happen is if your ip is banned i think
RE: Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
i donno...i never got a message saying i was banned...how does one get banned from there anyway? all i did was dl 78, and thats the only time i'v ever been there...
RE: Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
well dont fret just go to www.downloadanime.org, and find it on that list, and you can then download it
RE: Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
cool thanx =) gratz on 100 posts btw...genin! =D
RE: Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
no prob, if that doesnt work try another subbers version,
and i didnt even notice lol
RE: Im having an error trying to download bakasan ep 79
Yo! We have SUPPORT forums for a reason. This is getting moved there.