Hello! This is my first try coloring something and I wanna hear you guys opinion.
Uchiha Itachi
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Hello! This is my first try coloring something and I wanna hear you guys opinion.
Uchiha Itachi
To be honest it isn't that good, because the red parts on his coat is disappearing with the red background, change the background color, then it would be better.
very flat color, choose another color for the background and add some shading.
Yeah the background really needs to be changed.
I know about the background and will change it now... I did it on my math class so I didn't have that much time >.<
you also might want to take care of that violation of angelfire's terms of service......it doesnt seem to allow people to view it anymore [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I've changed to background now, couldn't find a good color so I tried to color the whole page >.<, tell me if you think it's better now.
well know the background is one solid color and it doesn't look good. almost looks like you pulled it into paint.
but if you keep trying it will eventually get better.
could use a little work, but it's not that bad
it's actually not too bad. but it needs to be more crisp.
It's not bad, but the background doesn't look that good.
its not that clear and crisp, but its a decent coloring job, not that i can do better
Thanks everyone for your opinions, it's helped alot. I don't think I can do so much more though the base quality of the image was pretty bad and I don't have that much time >.<, anyway thanks everyone.