Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Sakura, Ino, TenTen, and Hinata. Why dont we see more of them? I'm not saying there needs to be a "Girl Power" ep or story arc, it just as there are used now they are only moveing the guys storys along, with very littel to no story of there own. In closeing Sakura needs to "come in to her own" as a nija, Hinata and Naruto need to hook up, and more of Ino and Ten Ten.
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
naruto is about ninjas not a teenage drama. and girls aren't getting any face time cuz none of them are important enough for it...except sakura, but she sucks.
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Well I think sakura is not getting any time on purpose though, I have a feeling she will come back strong soon. Either that or will be a small arc about her training then she comes back strong....
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Originally posted by: Arcane1
Sakura, Ino, TenTen, and Hinata. Why dont we see more of them? I'm not saying there needs to be a "Girl Power" ep or story arc, it just as there are used now they are only moveing the guys storys along, with very littel to no story of there own. In closeing Sakura needs to "come in to her own" as a nija, Hinata and Naruto need to hook up, and more of Ino and Ten Ten.
I think the age group targeted by Naruto is made primarly of pre-teens and teens boys, who aren't really into romance, even so because they're mostly inept at it.
Obviously, boys at that age, due to this ineptude, will be mysogynists, so it's not good business to show women to kids who think they're worth nothing. The show has its emotional undertones, but some people don't really value them.
Another thing is that the most obvious way to portrait conflict is through fights. Kids that age are full of internal conflicts and watching them on the screen is a good way to deal with them. You really won't expect, nowadays, the majority of teenagers enjpying 3 hours of Hamlet, even it it also portraits conflict. So basically, shows with lots of fights fill the cathartic needs of children that age. But, amazingly enough, it has a mimetic effect on many.
To summon it up, the show has to appeal to the most emotionally underdeveloped, and as result, feelings and relationships will be out of the picture, for the most part.
Not that I personally don't enjoy the girls on the show, and don't want to see more of it. Naruto accepts everybody unconditionally, for the most part, and Hinata is the only person, who, from day one, also accepts him that way, so it's really interesting to see how it develops.
But I guess, not everybody shares our tastes, so all I can do is wait and see. Fights can be fun, especially when you're happy to watch them in a show and so avoid bringing them to real life...
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
It just bothers me that most of the girls are being presented as weaker than most of the guys. The only one that has been showen with any strength was also shown to be pretty much a "witch" (Temari). Its also not like I want to see the show become a soap opera. It just seems that the plot (you know that thing that happens between fights) is starting to become filler. I hope its just a lull in the story ( Though I didnt expect the twist at the end of chapter 212, I was floored. I normaly see that kind of thing comeing)
Then agin, mabey he just hasnt got to them yet.
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Personally, I think Hinata is strong, but totally lacks self-confidence. It would be interesting to see how she develops.
But you're right, the feminine characters are not very well developed. It would be interesting to see how Tsunade develops as a character, as well as see more of of how it happens with the other women/girls.
Seems to me that most of the *boys* are there to make a contrast/confrontation with Naruto and to teach him something or to be taught by him. I can think of Haku, Gaara and Neji, to mention a few, but even so, they pretty much had some screen time to show their stories.
You made an interesting point, though. A woman to be strong, *must* be a bitch...oh, well. Hope now she turned good, she still strong [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
The problem, again, is that the characters are there for the viewers have someone to identify with...and since the viewers are supposed to be boys...
The only girl I really have a problem with is Sakura. She gives bad name to the other women in the show.
She had lots of screen time and didn't develop at al, and she is a freakin main character. But, that of course, because it hits some problem in my personal life, namely, the fact that *I* am don't think right now I am living up to my potential. Likely our love/hate for certain characters is close related to our own flaws/virtues, but that's beside the point.
What can I say, maybe the audience doesn't like to have their *feminine side* rubbed in its face, the kids have enough growing pains as it is...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Originally posted by: Arcane1
It just bothers me that most of the girls are being presented as weaker than most of the guys. The only one that has been showen with any strength was also shown to be pretty much a "witch" (Temari). Its also not like I want to see the show become a soap opera. It just seems that the plot (you know that thing that happens between fights) is starting to become filler. I hope its just a lull in the story ( Though I didnt expect the twist at the end of chapter 212, I was floored. I normaly see that kind of thing comeing)
Then agin, mabey he just hasnt got to them yet.
Temari's not a witch!!!!! If it was a guy acting that way he'd just be really badass. I think thats a double standard. No one called Gaara a prick because he called Lee ugly or is rude he's just a cool evil character. Sorry, as you can tell Temari is one of my favourite characters because she doesn't act like Sakura or Ino (Sasuke, Sasuke Sasuke)[img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img] "Why do boys try so hard?". They should shutup and train.
Hinata needs to have more self confidence but she's at least serious about being a ninja. Its true that the plot is very male-oriented and when asked about this Kishimoto said (not literal quote) that in his experience "Sakura" is what teenage girls are like, also take note that he grew up in a rural area of Japan so the female population may not be as adavance socailly as in for instance Tokyo. But I agree with you on the point that I would like to see the females in Naruto actually be respectable ninjas rather than just being fodder for the plot.
And Tsunade is an amazing character. I like the contradiction of having the female be the stongest (physically that is!!!!!) of the legendary 3. Oro and Jiraiya are stronger in the jutsu department.
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Oh, don't worry the girls in the future will get more "screen time".
*starts chuckling pervertly.
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Another reason why girls probably don't get as much screen time is the ratio on the teams. Haven't you ever noticed the teams the people are set in? It's always two boys and one girl. And usually the boys are stronger than the girls on their team.
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Originally posted by: XwingRob
Oh, don't worry the girls in the future will get more "screen time".
*starts chuckling pervertly.
What? Are they going to turn Naruto into an Hentai show????
*shocked* heh, heh
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
i think that the only girl, or lady that will get mor screen time then the others is tsunade sama, bc she is going to be the next hokage then after her its going to be sakura
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
sakura wont be hokage, she sucks to much to be konoha's defender.
About the team being mostly split in 2 boys and one girl. Do you think many girls at that age want to become ninja's ?? Most of them would be scared to do much (like sakura and hinata)
RE: Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
I don't really like any of the girls on the show at all besides Ino because of her attitude, of course even she can get annoying after awhile. I really hope they don't center on them at all, the last time they did that was with Sakura and Ino's battle and that was verrrry long and boring.
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Because they're girls and can only fight for 3 weeks out of the month. They spend the fourth week on the disabled list. It would be too easy for other ninjas to track them, since the smell of blood would be very strong. So they get less "screen time."
RE: Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
'Cos they're all crap. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Because they suck, plain and simple. (Not literally)
RE: Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Becasue they suck, as Terracosmo said, they could show up and get more screen-time in mature-animes, but in Naruto, geez kill Sakura and hinata, ino and all of 'em
RE: Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Their all still to young for the sexual tension scenes. Like in all other anime's. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Why dont the girls get more 'screen time" ?
Originally posted by: hiten mitsurugi
Because they're girls and can only fight for 3 weeks out of the month. They spend the fourth week on the disabled list. It would be too easy for other ninjas to track them, since the smell of blood would be very strong. So they get less "screen time."
Yeah, but there is also a week in the month I would hate to have to fight one of em. Kida equals out there.